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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. remove the spare tire also if it has one. doing some math, just a sec. if you can shave 100 lbs from spare tire, and seats youll be at 11.16 in the july temps. although the track will be cooler with less traction, boosted motors love cooler temps. these cancel any sort of gain or loss, so 11.16 is my final answer
  2. water cooling or liquid nitrogen will do it.
  3. thats what i was thinking. thats alot of displacement for only 3k HP. needs maor turbo, and less 12 superchargers.
  4. fucking green man. you trippin dude? i can still see that episode. him and frank were tailgating i believe, while the others were tryin out for the football team. frank ended up with his head stuck in the toilet of a camper, while green man stood in a trashcan for hours. i think he was even carrying a gun for some reason rofl.
  5. http://threadbombing.com/data/media/4/Image_4.jpg
  6. thats where mine came from. they label is at an upgrade copy, but i burned the ISO to a disk and did a fresh install on a blank HDD. Tim, up the memory. double it. 4 gigs is weak compared to the rest of the system. i think youll run into issues rendering those huge images.
  7. thanks for sharing. as others have stated, good read. that guy is a talented writer.
  8. Thermal paste comes with the CPU, noobs. Oh wait, its an AMD.:bangbang: Nice build, built mine 3 years ago and it still isnt too far behind.
  9. String Theory.... the 4th dimension in space. interesting concepts behind this theory. anyone seen it?
  10. i live about 400 yards from those tracks. also, further to the west by liberty road theres another set that runs up into marion. i can hear both sets from where i live. i did the math last night and fingered out that it takes 16 seconds for the trains sound to travel to me. pretty neat.
  11. my absolute least favorite car evar. those things are uglier than a syst on a hookers nasty ass.
  12. jeffro


    Looks like I'm too school for cool.
  13. shit, i ran paul in mexico a few weeks back on 8 pounds running rich as fuck. wasnt pretty............ for me
  14. http://img.chan4chan.com/img/2010-04-04/tn_1270414367820.jpg six one four - three one five - seven six six nine
  15. jeffro


    high price on something you don't even know what it is. PASS
  16. track day, undecided. east side, friday. hope you like the smell of my tailpipe that isnt hooked up. ill be comming out this friday. havnt been out in a while. :bangbang:
  17. negative ghost rider. from a former 4.6 owner, my 1.8 is faster by more than a half a second.
  18. u go to OSU? I'd like a piece of your gaymaro, fag. shitty thing about having a stock ass loud sounding integra is that nobody suspects anything and doesnt want to bother. when i try, they hear that bitch spool and back off. faggots.
  19. Roy, the ex girlfriend recently got her GED. you can get them at any career center. Delaware Area Career Center offers them for sure. got ne questions gimme a call and i can help the best i can. also in reference to your text last night, im not sure. i redid my wastegate/dump tube last night. 5 hours of welding in the garage for a shitty result. and i forgot this metal ring that goes between the manifold and the wastegate flanges(wtf is this btw). its not spooling properly so its all gotta come back off.
  20. meaning? list of cars id like to own before im 30.(or too old to care about cars anymore. which ever comes first) RU another 4g63- evo, or 1st gen DSM. 03/04 cobra BMW 7 series. 7 series is baller.. an 18 year old friend of mine has one and im jealous as fuck. granted it is a late 00s model, still classier than my POS teg.
  21. dude i love meteorology. unfortunately, i had to be in the dox office right as this was passing through. made me sad i had to miss it. heres the next one to keep an eye on. http://forums.accuweather.com/index.php?showtopic=23330
  22. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TMd6tvxBDEI/AAAAAAAABGY/e6GJRFJGVeM/s800/motor.jpg i could nap between these shifts.
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