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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. nicely done tim. there was some dude on 270 that flipped me off in a black nissan maxima 2 nights ago. went to get off at the westerville road exit, i look over to my left and theres a dude flippin me off then it looked like he was going to come after me as i was getting off but just slammed on his brakes instead. i wonder what his beef was.
  2. the issue is between igor and eman, not igor and CR.
  3. GAYbe, or paul. any users that currently have posts in the chatbox. related: http://www.classimpaired.com/prodimages/large/candy_ass.jpg
  4. jeffro


    enormous turbo is enormous. looks good. :thumbup:
  5. fuck good deal for someone! my 440s were 300.
  6. Honestly, dont waste your money on some 100$+ webcam. 10-30$ range= work good. 30-60$ range= Good webcam with good resolution 60$+ = not much better than a 30$ cam. this one seems fair. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Gear-Head-Quick-5.0MP-720p-High-Def-Webcam-Blue/14906582
  7. dave -There is nothing pertaining to my script in the event logs on the client machine. Yes, i have full administration access to every machine in the network. Dave- Yes, there is a logon script set in the user profile that maps a series of drives. im tempted to just add this line of text into that script and be done with it, but i dont want to do it that way. i feel it is a permissions error, but ive tried just about every combination of user/computer groups possible. im wondering if its just a refresh issue.
  8. look in the trees/tall grass around the course. friend of mine picked up 3 a few weeks ago. lawl.
  9. dry erase board. did you get this from 4chan?
  10. were running a windows 2000 server here so gpupdate doesnt work. plus not interested in doing that on 100+ machines. havnt had much luck with secedit either. the folder is a shared folder. like i said, it executes and works fine when you click on the batch file on the client.
  11. Edit: cant be the host dir as it works just fine running it locally.
  12. i know theres a few IT guys on here so i thought id give it a go: im having issues setting up a security policy that runs a simple logon script. im wondering if there isnt an issue in the setup of our domain controllers thats resulting in the scripts not executing properly. Script is a batch file that simply pulls a .DAT file off the server and puts it into their application data folder to update the parent server in Symantec AV. I can run the script on the client machines locally, and it works fine, pulls the file from the server as it should, drops it in the appropriate directory, and closes out. when trying to push it out through GPO, the script fails to execute. I created a new GPO, selected user config, logon/logoff, and logon scripts. i first clicked the show files button, and pasted my batch file into that folder. then for script name pointed to that file in that folder.(not really necessary). For the GPO properties i gave System, Authenticated users, and Domain users all full control of the GPO. I also granted permissions on the batch file itself for the Groups above. For some reason it just wont execute. does anyone have any idea? worlds simplest script: been searching for the cause all morning, with no luck. Could it be the folder name of where the .DAT file is located? not sure if you can have a period in the folder name.
  13. jeffro

    Tomorrow Night

    lame depressed girlfriend is lame................................................. offered to take her to 311, didnt want to. offered to take her to blue jackets game, didnt want to. she agreed on a movie, after i took her out to dinner. backed out then wanted to have dinner/movie at her house. now she wants to eat seperately then watch a movie. anyone up for some street racing? cars running good. edit: just blew me off completely. no not litterally faggots. i gotta clean this place up before the owner gets back from vaca anyways.
  14. jeffro

    Tomorrow Night

  15. jeffro

    Tomorrow Night

    So i promised the lady i would take her out for something fun tomorrow night. Problem: i am the most unoriginal person in the world. CR, where would you take your significant other on a tuesday night? im not 21 so a bar is out of the picture. i only got one chance to do it right. Halp! 311 is at the lc tomorrow. no idea if shed like it though. she likes music.
  16. jeffro


    find two positive numbers for which the sum of their squares is 10,000. and their sum is a maximum X^2+Y^2=10,000 X+Y=Max
  17. speed 3 an option? not sure if 3 car seats will fit in the back though
  18. tiny turbo on huge motor is tiny http://i.ebayimg.com/23/!ByZc2iQCWk~$(KGrHqIOKnUEw9C,gcTMBMRh7Z(Dcg~~_12.JPG
  19. i feel im getting ripped off.... http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TLyxw_Jc6YI/AAAAAAAABFk/ivCL_VATSeo/s640/tmobile%20bill.JPG
  20. ive been on t-mobile for about 2 years now, and what the fuck paul, how are you getting it that cheap? i pay 80 for 300 minutes, free nights and weekends, unlimited data. what the hell is this 1500, and free mobile to mobile, with unlimited data for 62$???? could i call and complain about this and get a refund for the money ive spent getting less than this? back OT: tmobile coverage within franklin county is awesome. 3g most places. however, like chris said, anything outside the belt your data speed will deminish. let me draw a map for you of what coverage is actually like. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TLyvNwp_T4I/AAAAAAAABFg/mCmfaAxD5Js/tmobile%20coverage.JPG Customer service is good. never had to call them once, but to replace a phone that i bricked trying to root it. haha.
  21. i thought this shit was hilarious. +rep
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