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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. weve had our linksys wrt54g for about 10 years now and its still working just fine. easily managed VPN, port forwarding, and restrictions. best 60$ spent evar.
  2. holy damn, first place in the tire flinging contest. that dude is lucky to be alive
  3. hi im billy http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs398.ash2/67610_10150306485110304_877475303_15498794_1793121_n.jpg
  4. Tornado sirens here In worthington. Doesn't look that bad though. Calm and rainy
  5. i was about a month ago when the tornado ripped the roof off olentangy high school. and theres a tornado warning for fayette.as of 1:12 PM
  6. I miss my FoMoCo vehicle now i drive an import
  7. things should get interesting. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TMcHnwPdAXI/AAAAAAAABGQ/3t6rmo3W5zY/weather.png
  8. wow nearly 10 pages ^.^ nice thread lol. inb4crybabiesgetthisthreadlocked.
  9. sorry, i dont buy automatics.
  10. jeffro


    that bitch can bang my balls all she wants
  11. Looking for a low budget in the 100-200$ range. Ill mostly be taking pictures of random things with it, cars, and would like it to be able to take video. Ive never purchased a camera before, so not sure what i can even get for 200. I will buy used if its nice, and not beat up. I will buy new if it appeals to me. what should i look for? Watchu got CR?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WD6fil0u9E
  13. done, long time ago. Proof its already happened.
  14. save your money. a friend of mine has dual exhausts on his V6, (there are also a number of members here, kstang and sonicstang come to mind) and they sound like poop. said person might be able to get ugly chix with it, but thats it.
  15. jeffro

    F*CK the NFL

    23-20. Powell -> Cleveland 135 miles. Powell -> Cincinnati 120 miles. yup those 15 miles mean you should cincinnati over the cleveland game.
  16. Hal? where has hal been? OT: Wow, more money for google.
  17. bump. still looking. need one asap
  18. OC: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TMIruKTg7GI/AAAAAAAABGI/RtDX_9_yUUU/facebook%20oc.png
  19. jeffro


    LOL; i wish i could find the motivation to come out. im not even hungry :|
  20. anyone here work for t-mobile? ive got a g1 currently and i definiately feel its becomming outdated now. G1 by far the best phone ive ever owned. G2 seems like an appropriate upgrade. Does anyone here work for t-mobile that could possibly help me get a deal? i spoke to a rep today but didnt like what she had to say about upgrading to this one. my contract ends in February.
  21. no charger so cant verify that it works. also, the antenna is missing, but theres a screw where it was. i assume it would work with a charger. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TMD6M845CBI/AAAAAAAABF8/nX38ErqRouY/s640/2010-10-21%2022.40.18.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TMD6NG35kqI/AAAAAAAABGA/K7F5RNEPaS0/s640/2010-10-21%2022.40.07.jpg
  22. it seems i have to take it off often because if the welds not holding, so id rather get something thats easy to reinstall.
  23. Anyone have a 38MM wastegate gasket i could get? looking for a metal one if possible. or who carrys them in the Lewis Center/Delaware area?
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