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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. laugh my fucking ass off. that news channel was definitely making fun of that guy.
  2. this post cannot get anymore accurate. the only thing that verizon has on tmobile is coverage. like stated verizon has 3g in the stix where as tmobile doesnt. t-mobiles customer service is 100X better than verizon, its slightly cheaper, and they offer a better selection of phones.
  3. oc http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TJAnT3VcJqI/AAAAAAAABD8/iFLytAdmNUI/lol%20facebook.jpg
  4. that is ALL that car is designed to do. cool nontheless
  5. sorry to hear scott. heres to a speedy recovery. pics of carnage?
  6. i may, ill let you know on friday.
  7. whiny administrator is whiny
  8. http://i.treehugger.com/files/banana-peel.jpg Carry on
  9. hey asshole, im at work, not cool
  10. used this to make a usb stick bootable once. awesome software.
  11. non adjustable. i dont get it.
  12. since i cant do anything with the car until the new manifold gets here, i decided to turn my POS looking valve cover into something nicer looking. 1) stripped the old paint off using NAPA paint stripped in a spray can. 2)scrubbed it down with an SOS pad, thoroughly dried after. 3)taped off plug holes and fill hole. 4)laid 3 coats of reddish colored duplicolor engine enamel. 5)put 3 coats of duplicolor engine clearcoat. 6)let dry, removed tape 7)used razor blade to get most paint off honda lettering. 8)300 grit sand paper of lettering to give a shiny appearance. from.... http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TI1OdJM3R2I/AAAAAAAABDM/fbm_3vYz7G0/s800/2010-09-12%2013.13.02.jpg to.... http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TI1OdRddGvI/AAAAAAAABDQ/E1aY4guQ_Yw/s800/2010-09-12%2017.26.36.jpg turned out well, other than the odd color, IMHO
  13. maybe it has to do with where i live. 2 lane road( one lane in each direction), steady flow of traffic. a cyclist going 15 mph riding on the inside of the white line, causing everyone behind them to slow down or wait for oncoming traffic to clear so we can pass. tell me that shit aint annoying.
  14. OT: cyclists can get off the road. all they do is cause traffic issues.
  15. never heard of a brush garden before. brush garden: http://www.brownstoner.com/brownstoner/archives/brush1.jpg or brush guard? http://www.autopartsperformance.com/images/brush-guard.jpg
  16. quit crying crybaby. OSU out defended them today. and won the game
  17. hit the same spot twice, so id say HE wasnt off
  18. great story, gotta love the things concockted on /b/
  19. autozone will carry most of what you need there.... except the head and intake mani
  20. oh man, glad to see you werent injured. that has to be aweful to lose a car like that. sorry mang,
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