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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. upload to youtube receive a million views ???? profit.
  2. that dude got seriously fucked up, and all they did was laugh.
  3. ^^ aaaaand look at the person checking it out.
  4. 4chan.org is where u belong.
  5. how does that have that interior? sweet!
  6. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=297779&d=1176315939
  7. 5th wheel hitch anyone? http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17806&stc=1&d=1205473701 http://weldingweb.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17807&stc=1&d=1205473708
  8. did you even bother looking? http://www.importfaceoff.net/columbus.htm although, it doesnt specify a date for the most recent entry
  9. congrats on the PB. we had our boat out last night and it broke down lol. my father is dumber than a box of rocks. true story
  10. up for grabs are some buckeyes. these were recently picked/picked up. 2$ a dozen shelled or unshelled. sometimes you get 2 in a shell. Football season is just around the corner! will ship/deliver at buyers expense http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/THqVbEbK0FI/AAAAAAAABB8/iwayrFG3lf0/s800/2010-08-29%2013.12.31.jpg
  11. i might be interested in buying one if you do a bulk buy. these shit wallets i get every year for christmas for my aunt fall apart by september usually.
  12. that "sand" is cornmeal lol. keeps the dough from sticking to the pan. consider the hand tossed if your not a fan of that stuff, as theres way less on the hand tossed. essentiallly when you order Donatos, your getting frozen pizza. only thing that isnt frozen is the cheese and sauce, and some of the veggies. EVERYTHING else comes frozen. lol
  13. Wayne national forest you will need to register your bikes.
  14. even after working there for 5 years, the chicken mariachi is still one of my favorite pizzas. I gave so much shit away to bitching customers. Ffs lol
  15. no, i have the first one. http://reviews.cnet.com/sc/33283585-2-440-OVR-1.gif
  16. did a bench bleed then did another bleed at the calipers and now i have brakes! woot
  17. short and to the point, welcome. been alot of 240s lately
  18. jeffro


    that cobra at the 1:50 mark needs to quit being 90 years old and bang that fucking tranny. literally 1 second between gears
  19. dude i fucking know. dont gotta shit when you get in, but when you get out..... http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:b8eyOcNCqKm3FM:http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/161/ffffuuuuuuu.jpg&t=1
  20. jeffro


    sweet. i see potential. reminds me of dragonforce. except about 873362761991X slower
  21. worked before it was removed. its as if the brakes finally grab about a half inch from the floor. or pumping it.
  22. i tried bleeding the MC where the brakelines meet the MC, again with no success. tomorrow im going to pull the MC out, make sure the seals aren't rotted away, do a benchbleed, then rebleed the lines again. might try gravity bleeding after i do some reading on it
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