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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. funny, but wow, you have alot of time on your hands to stand and observe people walking into a door. lol funny though
  2. i agree. if you want to make a big deal, notify the media. then he will resign ha.
  3. my rents computer did the same thing. try the following: > reseat memory into different slots. it works trust me. > reseat video card, and other pci cards > check all connections to mobo replace power supply replace motherboard replace memory replace video card and yes, a bad video card can cause this error. happened to me with my gtx260.
  4. jeffro


    had to take a double take at 1:56
  5. fucking doc! http://knowyourmeme.com/i/24807/original/By_your_powers_combined_I_am_Wilford_Brimley.png?1257110491
  6. :thumbup: look forward to seeing the progress!
  7. we have an ob2 code reader if your interested roy.
  8. jeffro


    i laughed so fucking hard at this comment. +rep for you tim.
  9. If you take the time to watch the entire episode it all makes sense. Its his first car. And thanks for the info doc. These are the shows my rents watch lol. Still funny as old as they are.
  10. Obviously not their real names, but still funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvADlMjJytw
  11. Pm sent. yeah fubar something like that. did you hear it cut out last night? my wastegate flange cracked, have to reweld it lol.
  12. anyone have a 3" X at least 2 feet? any kind will work, preferably straight and not aluminum.
  13. Lol noob. If you have further issues PM me
  14. Although I agree he's funny as shit, he's a homo. How much are tix? Could be a nice cr trip
  15. In4thebeatdown Jb weld maybe?
  16. after getting the integra put back together finally, my downpipe ends at a really bad angle. probably 30* misaligned from the rest of the exhaust. theres about 3 feet between the end of the downpipe, and the catback. the downpipe angles down towards the ground and stops right at the axles. what can i do to realign the downpipe with the rest of the exhaust? i really dont want to cut and reweld it, as its made of a shitty stainless that burns through about every inch. also, the downpipe is 3" and the catback is 2". ive got a reducer, but that would just bring it closer to the ground. heres a quick sketch of whats going on, pretty ugly drawings, but you get the idea. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TJ_LRwdxC8I/AAAAAAAABEU/wSwv95mVCfE/downpipe%201.png http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TJ_LR1eIvNI/AAAAAAAABEY/Vje4y0CFikU/downpipe%202.png
  17. jeffro


  18. jeffro

    Plane App

    thats weird. seems like a security issue if you ask me
  19. looking to buy a cheap auto-darkening welding helmet. doesnt have to be anything special. harbor freight has one for 34$ with decent reviews, so if i cant get anything here, ill be going there. also, it wont be used very much, so im not terribly concerned about durability or quality.
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