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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. To be fair, i can see where the guy was coming from. End the play to eliminate the possibility of a turnover, then let the clock run out on the next play. However, Literally slamming your teammate to the ground probably wasnt the best way to tackle that.
  2. jeffro

    Tv Deal?

    Westinghouse is Fucking junk. I picked one up from MC before I got my vizio and returned it a week later. No inputs, less than amazing picture, and for the price wasn't very big. Never again.
  3. In chrome you can leave ad block enabled the entire time.. Once that annoying error comes up right click on it, select inspect element then delete it. I've been having good luck running sports devil inside kodi. It basically goes out and compiles all of those streaming websites and just gives you the video links. No worries about ads or any of that bs.
  4. jeffro

    Tv Deal?

    Ive got a 60" vizio LED ive had for about 2 years now. Great picture right out of the box. plenty of inputs, and the matching sound bar you can get has great sound. $649 at sears. Edit, it appears the above TV is a refurb. I got mine new for $680 by stacking several coupons at target.
  5. Reminds me of when chevy put SS emblems on everything. Oh wait...
  6. Probably not. The Jen that played with us looked methed most days
  7. Yep. I believe i even subbed on your team once. We had Jen play on our team on several occasions.
  8. What team? We probably crossed paths. I played for Joes Original.
  9. Any of you still playing? If so where? Personally, I'm playing in Dublin on Tuesdays, and Delaware on Sundays. Big tournament down at Berliner this weekend. Anyone going to be there?
  10. What the hell are you guys doing to your phones to be causing them to crash? I havnt had a single crash since I got my galaxy s4 whenever it came out. As far as I'm concerned, that argument is null and void.
  11. FUCKING LOL. Catching up with the rest of the modern world. 12MP cameras on cell phones have been out for ages now.
  12. This... I would be surprised to see him finish out the season in the starting position. Most of his throws were on point when the oline didnt collapse and gave him an opportunity to throw, but his running game is weak. If only he had speed. It takes a team i guess.
  13. Jones is slow. I don't see him starting again.
  14. Even if they manage to pull it together the second half they can kiss their first place spot goodbye.
  15. Kodi/xbmc offers a peer to peer tv plug in. There aren't alot of channels, and most of the time they're in Spanish or russian, but there are sometimes hd streams of football games available. There are also windows programs that do the same thing with a much greater veriety but I havnt figured out how to get them working.
  16. zero issues here. Mac OSX 9 running chrome w/ Adblock plus.
  17. Sorry, perhaps i'm misunderstanding what your setup is. You have one small building with 5 employees working in it. Each employee currently has their own jet pack and would like to use a copier/printer/scanner seamlessly without having to disconnect from their jetpack. If this is the case, i don't understand why each user has their own jetpack when 5 users can use a single jet pack. I'm almost certain a single jetpack can support 5 users plus a wireless print server. Edit, according to this thread, a single 4G Jetpack will support up to 10 devices. https://community.verizonwireless.com/thread/803560
  18. Each jet pack should accept multiple connections. Not sure on how many exactly, but might even be more than 5.
  19. Get a wireless print server and connect the printer to the jet pack. The jetpack will essentially act as a router. Something cheap like this would work: http://www.amazon.com/Cisco-Linksys-WUSB54G-Wireless-G-USB-Adapter/dp/B00009X6PH/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1441311617&sr=1-2&keywords=wireless+print+server&pebp=1441311303056&perid=0J5EXWCTGPMAGHDDMD83
  20. Sling is $20/month. Were currently paying $35/month for just internet now. You could probably get the same tv/internet package from our ISP for less...
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