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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Ryan is right. Bridge cameras with HUGE zooms typically have less than stellar sensors. My Panny fz70 goes out to 1200mm. Unfortunately my cell phone probably has a better sensor than it does. I have to turn the ISO way up at any sort of distance which results in shitty images.
  2. ....Why are we arguing this?
  3. Noice man. Glad you got it resolved. Such a good feeling when you fix something that has been troubling you for a while.
  4. Yes, knowing and mastering your home defense firearm is bad advice. Take Pauls word for it.
  5. Renting guns at the range will get expensive, fast. Find one you like, buy it, then master it. Enjoy.
  6. Load in the community. Our internet swings up to 18Mb from test to test, minute to minute. normal id say. They advertise "up to 50mb down"
  7. Long story short; We acquired a box of 8mm film reels when my great uncle died a few weeks ago(agent orange got the best of him). He was in the service so we believe some of it may be unseen footage from Vietnam. I called the Columbus Public Library and they didn't have one and don't know where to rent one locally. Anyone know where we can rent or borrow one for a couple of days? Id like to record what we see and upload it to youtube.
  8. Uhaul is $86 bucks for a 4X8. $126 for the next size up. Includes 3 days of rental. Can pick up in MD and return in Columbus.
  9. Game 7 here we come.(not that i'm watching) Refs are going to swing the game in favor of the Cavs so the NBA can make another 500 mil off the 7th game.
  10. Anyone interested in playing in the Christopher Columbus tournament on the 4th of july? The team i am on needs a couple more dudes and a few females. Cost is 10 bucks and guarantees you at least 3 games.
  11. What ryan said. Taking it somewhere may not be worth it. You will have more in repair costs than what you could just buy a new one for.
  12. :Popcorn::Popcorn: :Popcorn: :Popcorn: Ditch the body kit, bruh.
  13. I had a shake under braking and over certain speeds when i had a bad CV joint. how are your CV boots?
  14. how how how is this still available? If i wasnt saving for a house id be all over it.
  15. I must be the only one in this entire state that couldnt give two shits about basketball. I dont even know who they're playing.
  16. So the plant is in Dublin but doesnt serve Dublin.. am i reading that correctly? Regardless, we drink bottled water anyways. Our tap water smells and tastes like pool water on any given day. Edit, no, i did not read that correctly.
  17. I dont believe that.
  18. Won any yet? Were 1-2 but have only lost by 1 run each game that we lost.
  19. How are you guys doing for the season?
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