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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. TCU looking like they might squeak it out.
  2. Still an advocate for Kodi/XBMC (same thing, different names). Ive got it on my phone now, with sports devil and genesis plugins and get everything you could ask for. All "free." I then use chromecast to put it up on the tv.
  3. No it has the flat one in the roof above the rear seat.
  4. The Antenna in the A4 sucks donkey dick. I pretty much only get like 3 channels unless i'm downtown or right next to a stations tower. A new OEM antenna is a bit expensive if you can even find it. So i was thinking about just throwing a universal on it. I don't really care what it looks like. Are all antenna connections the same? Any recommendations would be wonderful.
  5. Went 3 years on my last pair. Got new ones and didnt really see any improvement in wiping abilities. My windscreen either has some sort of film on it that needs scrubbed off, or too many sand sized chips.
  6. If it works for you, then more power to you. When i had ATT, coverage was spotty up north. Fortunately for me, my work pays my bill. We get like 100gb a month collectively, but we never even come close to that number.
  7. Why? Theyre all just as shitty. Youre trading in actual good service in for shitty service with a smiley face on it.
  8. Holy shit that suspension is dialed in.
  9. Facebook killed/is killing forums. Folks are lazier than ever these days and don't want to take 40 seconds to create an account somewhere to talk about something they could talk about on Facebook where they already have an account. Another point.... People like being rewarded (by imaginary internet points)for posting stuff to the internet. For example: on facebook, you have the like system. On reddit, you have the vote system. Both of those sites are booming. Here, you post something and if you're lucky, you get flamed. The rep system we used to have was broken. Giving someone rep only once every few months wasn't cutting it. My point is, Ryan is right. Its time to upgrade if you want to keep things alive. We're living a 2000s forum here in 2016.
  10. I will ask her tonight when i see her if she wants it. Stand by.
  11. How bad is the dog odor? My sister is moving this weekend and as far as i know doesnt have any furniture.
  12. It wants me to connect to some VPN when i activate it then i get some message saying my network is being monitored. With confidential information on the line, cant be any of having that.
  13. Before i spend $10/month to activate verizon hotspot on my S4, are there any free options that are decent and actually work? I know at one point they put a lock down on that shit, but things change. These are business lines so root access needs to be avoided. I used to use foxfi(one time fee of $4.99), which doesn't require root access, but has gotten sketchy recently.
  14. Not a single fuck was given. Cargo stayed dry. Guessing by the white smoke that some water got into the intake.
  15. Nobody thinks these days. The only thing that matters is acquiring imaginary internet points.
  16. Meh. Predicting annual snowfall is like trying to predict OSU football scores. Impossible.
  17. jeffro

    Dumping cable

    Get old Small form factor PC. Install HDMI video card. Download Open ELEC. Load that shit up, takes 10 minutes. Install Sports Devil - Install Genesis for all the streaming content your heart desires. I went to amazon and got a little wireless media remote for like 15 bucks. In total, i think ive got $40 in it.
  18. We are in the process of obtaining a home. Eek.
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