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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. sure, 110 shipped, 100 if we meet. ill bring you a pizza once the roads get better. link to my email, jeffro1265@gmail.com
  2. jeffro


    the cops? no, hook them up and go.
  3. jeffro


    check the Coils like mike said, i had the same issue with my 4.6l gt. picked up a used set and fixed everything. i had tried changing plugs also, but didnt fix anything.
  4. ahh +1. gmod 9 was free, then if you wanted gmod 10, you had to pay 10$ for it.
  5. :finger: you're one of those people huh. probably the reason i stopped playing. mingebags.
  6. get garrys mod and spawn an air boat . if anyone wants to play css add me on steam: zeroskater35
  7. fancy intro. welcome. i woulda spend all that money on a 4,6 before i baught all the other little mods.
  8. i suppose its still a battery since you have to charge it. doesnt fix the free energy idea.
  9. jeffro

    Endless power?

    imagine a remote or cell phone that doesnt require batteries. ive always been interested in this topic.
  10. http://www.weather.com/weather/alerts/localalerts/43035?phenomena=WS&significance=A&areaid=OHZ046&office=KILN&etn=0003 meh. just as i get the stang going again, i cant drive it... oh well., time for some all wheel driving!
  11. id pay 3.99 for it. or w/e it costs. i hate browsing full sites on mobile connections
  12. if you shovel it, the ice wont bulld up as if it wasnt shoveled.
  13. im wondering why the mainstread meadia isnt saying much, trying to reduce panic?
  14. this next storm on tuesday could be pretty serious too. http://www.accuweather.com/regional-news-story.asp?region=eastusnews
  15. jeffro


    just picked one of these up for myself, seems to be a pretty stout tranny. best of luck mike.
  16. wewt, got it with the extracor, PB, a maps torch and a pair of vise grips lol. thanks for the recommendation guys.~
  17. jeffro

    Screw You....

    heres me last night driftin in the the awd talon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf3Py2n0S8k
  18. 179.99 new from jegs, i put this in late 2009. upgraded to a tko600 and no longer have any use for it. now 75 need gone tomorrow. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/S24zta-2xdI/AAAAAAAAARw/X38T52exDIY/s640/2010-02-06%2022.25.18.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/S240XRqHMoI/AAAAAAAAARU/qtz75L39NG8/s800/2010-02-06%2022.25.28.jpg
  19. jeffro

    Screw You....

    awd tsi doing just fine!:thumbup:
  20. aww id love to take the talon, except i gotta work, bullshit.
  21. jeffro

    Snow Storm

    ill be having fun in the awd talon later. doc, my gf's grandfathers shop is 2 doors down from yours, so ill be playing somewhere in the park later.
  22. easy hal, lol. baught a bolt extractor set, so i im going to use a cut off wheel to make the bolt short enough so i can get the rachet on the end of it. if that doesnt work, im going to burn it out.
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