***UPDATE 3-8-09: Pistol and some Ammo Sold***
Streamlining my collection so up for sale:
-Black PS90 Tri-Rail, Urban-E.R.T. sling, One 30-round and Two 50-round
factory magazines, Ultra-Dot micro reddot optic. Approx 700 rounds fired.
EDIT: Sling setup for left hand shooter but can be switched to right hand.
SOLD-FiveseveN pistol, SERPA holster, 5 20-round factory magazines with 10-round extensions installed on each bringing them up to 30-round capacity.
Approx 800 rounds fired.
-21 boxes (1,050 rounds) of factory SS195LF ammo.
NOTE: Ammo to be sold after firearms are gone or to an indivdual
buying one of the firearms.
-Package Deal for all items: $2,050.
- I have the factory packaging and anything that comes with them from the factory.
Face To Face (I'm in Central Ohio and willing to travel a bit), cash is king,
the price will NOT be going any lower.
Group Photo::