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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. PSN Games: Savage Moon, Worms, Pixeljunk Monsters, Pixeljunk Eden, Burnout Paradise, and Wipeout HD Disc Games: Warhawk, MGS4, COD4, COD WaW, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Guitar Hero III, GTA IV, Dead Space, Bioshock, LittleBigPlanet, and Resident Evil 5 Prepare for: COD5 (release name: "Modern Warfare 2"), Dead Rising 2 Check out Home - it's interesting, but not epic (yet). You can stream audio/video/images from your home computer to the PS3 pretty easily too. And yes, online play is free... the way it should be.
  2. Hitting max torque that early is hawt.
  3. Very cool. Big or small, the first time doing any job on your car personally feels good.
  4. http://www.90schild.com/images/t-shirts/hey_dude_design.gif
  5. Liam's father is planning his retirement.
  6. I saw something bad coming, but that... I couldn't have guessed. Epic fail.
  7. Yeah..... I'm gonna have to ahead and agree with you there.
  8. I vote for this, and then let him run a "neon" and a "lancer" so he will feel better.
  9. ^This is how I read it. Very, very cool. :thumbup:
  10. Now watch, he'll become a WoW addict and never leave the basement - wasting his ability to become buff by just existing.
  11. Nothing against some of them though - like a puggle. My friend has one and the dog is hilariously fun. I don't categorize them as "rat dogs" like other small breeds.
  12. This reminds me of a special I saw on Discovery once - "Life after people" or something of that sort. They explained how house pets would have to fend for themselves after we were all gone, and small dogs (toy poodles, pugs, etc.) would be the first ones to die because they aren't designed to fend for themselves. Short legs, small teeth, tiny size, disproportionate body = Fail. Big dogs > rat dogs.
  13. I'm going to try - that'd be a good time, although with your mods I will most likely get spanked.
  14. Nice cah. Details on what's done to it?
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