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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. Granted the show is cut in a way that they look hard-ass, but I can't even begin to think that it is a job that just anyone could do. Seems like it takes a pretty damn strong person to take that kind of physical and mental abuse.
  2. Well at least you're attempting to be productive. At this rate you'll be ready for AutoX in spring 2010. I'll give you a ring in a few.
  3. Got hooked last year.... looking forward to a new season.
  4. My first car could have been a Honda Civic.... but no, it was an '87 Supra Turbo. So naturally, between that car and my Dad / family of car guys... I was on the right track from day one. The real dive into "how does this work / let's take this apart" didn't really happen until I bought the Z though. Then it was just a downward spiral into obsession, happiness and debt.
  5. Booya bitch. I'm thinking tomorrow night I'll have to swing over while I'm up here in town. I think this might be the first time I've EVER seen you start a picture thread - you've just been upgraded from internet noob to internet troll. :thumbup:
  6. Looks like a good fit - nice sizes too. I'm running the same widths - gotta love wide / wide.
  7. I'm just laughing because he decided to pick on a huge truck. Not to say that you couldn't (because you did) spank him, but that seems so odd. Pickings must be slim amongst the ricers these days.
  8. Pics or no dice. And they had better not be some generic Google image crap. "ish" you say? Contact member ZappBrannigan.
  9. Clean. Nice mileage! That's lower than my DD which is an '05.
  10. 68%... damnit. I need to buy some guns.
  11. To the seller: Don't get taken on this deal; find out details. How old is said angel food cake?
  12. Sounds like he can skip posting it in the classifieds. Done deal.
  13. Those are madd tyte graphics.
  14. I would. I can't now, but I would.
  15. This is why I went from Auto->6spd for a DD as well. It's how things are meant to be; I rarely talk on the phone in the car unless it's an emergency, or drink/eat unless it's a road trip. Maybe that's why I dodge minivans/SUVs merging into me so well now.
  16. This is definitely my number one pet peeve. What pisses me off more is those f*ckers who mad dash to the left lane from the on-ramp, just because they seem to think they MUST be there in their minivan doing 55mph. Better yet are the morons who will eventually move over when I'm behind them waiting to get back up to the speed limit in the passing lane, and then immediately move back over; like I interrupted their day. I need a sticker on my window that says, "I hate 99% of you."
  17. LOL, this is still going on? I say call her back and pretend to be the officer who found the phone next to the charred remains, and was hoping to identify the body. Stupid people deserve to be messed with severely.
  18. Now I can't stand up for hours. Thanks.
  19. I love waiting to upgrade for a while - makes the new toys so much more enjoyable. Nice monitor setup too. I went from an 800 MHz processor / 1GB ram to a 3.06 GHz / 4GB... and I felt like I was the king of the world.
  20. Yippy-ti-yi-ya (Yippy-ti-yi-what?)
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