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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. I really like the car, despite all of the BS.... but I'd still rather have an R33 GTR. Kthanksbye.
  2. With 166k on the Nissan, I only see it that way.
  3. AND convert it to RWD... right?
  4. Mileage is just a "good times" counter, if you ask me.
  5. African_Breasts should be at least 25.2 mb... you're clearly getting screwed my friend.
  6. Damn.... people suck. The same thing happened here at work last week in broad day light, right in front of the building. I'm starting to believe the whole "bad economy = more crime" line more and more now.
  7. I was always thinking that was my problem, because test pipes + full syn = smokey smokerton. So I snagged some stock cat pipes and quietly called it a day.
  8. I still am amazed when I hear about people doing this - I was brought up thinking that the filter was part of the oil change, no debate. I still won't ever do it without the filter.
  9. Two cars, two specialty plates, twice the fail.
  10. Very nice! That's gotta feel good to get a solid tune.
  11. That reminds me - I'm considering the same thing for AutoX this season. I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that I never followed that plan perfectly in past seasons.
  12. Every 3k-4k miles in both cars, full synthetic. I'd rather spend money and have peace of mind than hope I'm not hurting either motor.
  13. So what have you done to it so far? Also.. "" (minus the quotations) = Photomagicalness
  14. Wow - that sucks. I seriously had a LOL moment.
  15. You'll both totally dig it then. It feels a little more Hollywood like Snatch (compared to Lock Stock), with a little bit of polish to the characters like in Layer Cake. Don't even get me started on the zombie genre. Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later, and Dawn of the Dead (remake) are some of the newer classics IMHO. Read World War Z if you really are into the fun of it all. (http://www.amazon.com/World-War-Z-History-Zombie/dp/0307346617/ref=pd_bbs_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1240432849&sr=8-2) Read The Zombie Survival Guide if you want to actually prepare. (http://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Survival-Guide-Complete-Protection/dp/1400049628/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1240432849&sr=8-1) Fun trivia for the zombie film lovers: The quote from Night of the Living Dead, "They're coming to get you, Barbara." is used in the Shaun of the Dead when Shaun and Ed are talking with Shaun's mom on the phone. "We're coming to get your Barbara!" :thumbup: And... Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (from SotD) snagged bit parts in Land of the Dead because they are such huge fans of George Romero (and all of his films) and because (of course) they made the cult classic Shaun of the Dead. They played two zombies tied up at a club where people threw stuff at them.
  16. Oh and because I can't help myself: American Pyscho, followed by The Machinist
  17. Is that a jumbo hula-hoop in the first pic? I'm all over that if no one claims it. I once sold a jar of Italian air on CL. I even wrote, "Made in Italia" on it in sharpie. :thumbup:
  18. If you like this, you'll like Rocknrolla (and the more obvious essential Lock Stock and Two Smokin' Barrels.... Snatch as well). If you like Rocknrolla, you'll dig all of the above too.
  19. Viral Marketing (sometimes referred to as Guerrilla Marketing) tactics work well for many small businesses, especially when budget concerns are at the forefront of your mind. Although I don't know the specifics of your business or your target audience, I'd think this route could be a worthy option.
  20. Event Horizon is pretty solid - many don't like it (film geeks), but it's worth a rent at the least. If you like that style / genre, check out Sunshine by Danny Boyle (28 Days Later, Slumdog Millionaire); similar but better imho. That's on my to-buy list.
  21. I'm actually going to make it this time. :thumbup: Clay, I promise not to send you another "I was out until 6am, not able to move or drive..." texts.
  22. FWIW - I bet the plate is all about a previous or second car. I see lots of hidden or obvious cues to second cars. I almost put a small sticker on the side window of my '95 Integra LS saying, "my other car doesn't suck."
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