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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. I still have my NES hooked up next to my PS3... it sees a good amount of use still. 1942 and Donkey Kong... oh yeah. Are there any Wii players out here? We've got one at work that gets some serious play time each day.
  2. Congrats - sounds like a great way to start the new year.
  3. In the days of the N64, all you needed was Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye. Then you were set. I still play MK64 over at my girlfriend's place - I'm sure it will happen on New Year's Eve with everyone there. I've played the new Wii version, and it just doesn't feel the same OR superior in my opinion.
  4. If you need any of the following... '95 LS steelies + OEM silver multi-spoke caps '95 GSR wing with 3rd brake light ...let me know. Both are left over from my old DD that has since left.
  5. Good mount and camera - the audio and video both hold up really well considering it's outside and at speed. Good times.
  6. I must be used to seeing US cop shows, where had that same situation happened, the guy would have probably had some bullet holes in him or the car prior to getting away.
  7. I had to laugh - my DD is #9. I have to third or fourth being quite alright with #2. Hottie with tattoos and a love for the old school - fine by me.
  8. I love the first comment below the video. "You added one too many zeros, ricer."
  9. I'm sure it's a fun DD, pricing aside. Good for him. I've driven the SI model a couple times, and as far as I can tell the Mugen edition is very similar in many ways. It's a fun car, but the fun factor (read: torque and power delivery) wasn't there for me personally. That and the price is a bit ridiculous for so few changes to the car.
  10. Bought my dad a 4-ton low profile Craftsman jack. The thing is a beauty.
  11. No, I'm good thanks. I meant, it's not a requirement that she's there. Now if we were married that would a different story all together. I knew I worded that last part wrong....
  12. You know, somehow I knew you would be on here too Tim. I thought it was finally time to start being social in the local area since I've been here for a year now. I'm going to be working on finalizing plans for ZdayZ this next week or so. We'll be there one way or another! Wow, now that's truly a function-meets-form vehicle. Very nice! This is the absolute truth. I can understand where you're coming from - it definitely takes a healthy amount of time and budget to keep both "happy". When I was looking for a DD replacement, I was literally on the verge of picking up a 2001 S4 at a local European dealership. Then I realized that I would become either really happy or really broke between the two cars. Congrats on the soon-to-happen S4 purchase!
  13. Thanks again for the +rep and warm welcome everyone. You have no idea how many times they sit in my shopping cart on the CZP website. Yeah, there's something about a project coming alive after any length of time that's just so damn wonderful. You'll have to excuse my domestic-noob-ism, but what are your plans for it? I have an entire side of my family full of domestic muscle enthusiasts, and yet I always feel a bit lost on what is what.
  14. Wow, that's sounds absolutely great.
  15. Back in Taormina, Sicily. On the beach, looking South, just able to make out what I think should be the coast of Libya or Greece on a clear day. The heat index being in the high 90's but with a nearly non-existent humidity level makes for a perfect environment to do nothing but relax. Girlfriend optional.
  16. Yep - I stumbled upon it in a snowstorm, the day it arrived at a local Nissan dealership. I originally felt like I made a compromise by not having t-tops. Then I realized that the slightly lower curb weight and increased chassis stiffness made it a perfect candidate for a twin turbo motor swap. (All hard tops were non-turbo only in the U.S.) Combined with the shorter gearing in the NA model and the quicker spooling turbos (smaller exhaust housing) on the VG30DETT from an automatic.... let's just say my face hurt from smiling the day after the conversion was complete. I went back and forth about adding a wing, but in the end I've come to love the wingless look.
  17. Hey Mitch! Of course I remember... all car-related events and people have a specific place in my brain (they have replaced all math skills). Thanks for the compliment - she's still coming along little by little. Nice to see you picked up another fun toy, even if it's not a Nissan. Just remember, Nissan or not, we should still meet up come spring... even though Jon is still the only one driving his car in the winter. I know what you're saying about the attractions, but I think the beauty of Columbus is that even without the multitude of obvious locations to draw people, it still has a lot worth experiencing. There is so much activity here, combined with a cultural mixture that other cities in the state just can't offer. Growing up in Cleveland, I feel a general "been there, seen it, done it" mentality about it. Dayton just felt too far off the pulse of change / advancement (granted I might be speaking primarily about my own profession) to give me any reason to stay there. Also, I think having OSU at the heart of the city brings in many professionals (both prior to and post becoming such), who will many times stay and continue to add to the community. Granted, this is just my opinion - not to say anyone is wrong for loving / living in any other place than Columbus.
  18. Thanks. I spent my entire life in Cleveland until I went to college at OU. I moved to Dayton after graduation for the sole reason of a good job offer. I left Dayton after 2.5 years, despite being ready to move on after 1 year. Professionally and personally I love a big city; even if Columbus isn't New York, it's relative to many other semi-large metropolitan areas and has lots to offer. Cleveland and Dayton hold no value to me professionally, and thus I will never want to spend more time there than it takes to visit friends/family. Columbus may not be my last stop, but it's definitely a place I'm proud to live and represent.
  19. I'll have to keep an eye out for another thread of this sort... I would definitely be down. My board is sharp and ready to go.
  20. Wow, that is impressive. I can't even imagine that much torque at such a low rpm. Very nice work!
  21. Thanks all around. At this point, I'd welcome a way out of this relationship with the Z - it will only end when one of us no longer inhabits this earth.
  22. One more, rather glaring thing I forgot to add... for the sake of fun. My Z put down 327 rwhp and 355 rwtq at 13.65psi on 93 octane last spring. That was decent, but I was having (well, still am having) an issue of running dangerously lean. I am replacing some parts, doing some trouble shooting, and plan to have her retuned running 15psi come spring. My goal is 350 rwhp and 375 rwtq. Nothing mind blowing, but enough to make me happy. I am all about a perfectly running machine, well-within the safe zone, so that I can enjoy her for as long as possible. http://www.flux21.com/z/dyno1b.jpg Believe it or not, I was on board at the conception of OhioNissans. Knew most of the original guys there and frequently hung out with them. Then I just kind of strayed from it after some differences in opinions, and that's about all. No harm no foul, just moved on. Thanks for the compliment. Who knows, I might have met you... it is a small world, especially in central Ohio.
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