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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. mmmmmm... I want one. The Motorex story is a good read.
  2. Every wish you could do other things along the same way you play Guitar Hero? (Guitar Hero + Video Camera) + (Bike) x (Loads of Extra Time) =
  3. Wow. That was the best thing I've seen all day. And I'm all over these here internets.
  4. PS3 - Using it as an "future proof" blu-ray player is almost enough incentive.
  5. That could be - just throwing the idea out there. In reality, I'd be happier for the OP if I were wrong.
  6. Just playing devil's advocate here, but I'd be interested (read: concerned) about the accurate placement and size of the weight reduction "holes" in panels. I wouldn't want something buckling during an accident that is supposed to be more rigid to save your life.
  7. I'm a huge fan of the first three - growing up it was always tradition to watch Die Hard around the holidays. Here's a question though, with all of the "hey let's make another movie years after the trilogy ended" ideas going around, what does everyone think about the recent Die Hard movie?
  8. Funny, I actually had my mind set on joining the Air Force or Navy after high school and working my way to NASA. I got a little distracted on the way though... Lots of good thoughts here. The mining opportunities never occurred to me, but that is an extremely good point. That is the kind of goal that will ultimately fund the operations - knowing there are more natural resources of that amount out there opens up the doors to funding from many places. I wonder how much of this is actually on the drawing board, and how much we will sadly never see the beginning of. I would give anything to see space before I die. EDIT: Thought this was interesting considering the topic here: http://io9.com/5125705/building-blocks-for-the-first-permanent-moon-base
  9. Nice Subaru - although I will ALWAYS love MR2's above many other cars. Rare to see them on the road, much less well-built for speed like that. Agreed. Hell, I question the logic of anyone who put that much money into the car and is still running a MBC.
  10. I guess that came off too serious... twas only a joke. (even though the question has come up)
  11. I've had the question, "Do you love that car more than me?" come up more than once. I've found that answering, "Well, she has been with me longer and complains less..." is not the best idea. Love is when you lie and say, "No way."
  12. Love is when she buys car/garage items as gifts.
  13. Amazing that he kept that thing straight.
  14. For comparison, the last four places I've lived (including this one) have charged between $50-80 for a single car garage, electric door, and power. The heating/cooling was on me via electricity though. I'd say at least $100 if the temperature control was included, and that's probably a little low.
  15. Sounds like the site got hacked, not one of the computers.
  16. That. Is. Hilarious. I use Macs at home and work all day, and I can't totally appreciate the humor there. Apple would definitely pull that kind of sh*t too.
  17. Awesome. I spy a certain 'butterface' chick with a red Integra too.
  18. Lots of great info here. My only comment worth adding: I heart my blender/lid that goes on all kinds of cups for mixing protein.
  19. It's nice to see serious focus on this area. Saving the planet and its resources won't save us from substantial population growth. Time to start getting our collective asses in gear. Moon colonization FTW.
  20. I have some left over parts from the last DD. These are all from a '95 Acura Integra (wheels/tires - LS, Wing - GSR). The tires have a 35-45% tread left, and the wing is in good condition (8/10). GSR Wing w/brake light (and wiring) - $75 http://www.flux21.com/UPLOAD/acura/DSC06611.JPG http://www.flux21.com/UPLOAD/acura/DSC06612.JPG Wheels/Tires/Caps - $100 http://www.flux21.com/UPLOAD/acura/DSC06608.JPG http://www.flux21.com/UPLOAD/acura/DSC06609.JPG http://www.flux21.com/UPLOAD/acura/DSC06610.JPG PM me with any questions. Reasonable offers welcome. Thanks for looking.
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