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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. Here: http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/a937ccffbf2f118fa5dce401cc641aea.gif http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/1270112167367s.jpg http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/medium/brb-72-virgins.jpg http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/1269487792785.jpg http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/4457057627_7c60986582_o.jpg
  2. I've purchased a car in New York and drove it back to Texas before and it wasn't that hard. Some things: 1. Make sure the title is in order so you don't have any problems when you bring it home. 2. You will have to get it inspected when you get back to Ohio 3. Also you will have to get an Ohio registration. 4. Profit. Really, for me it was an easy experience, my main thing to look out for is the title being filled out right and clean to take it home.
  3. Welcome to CR, I can truck bedliner it for you if you want.
  4. Houston.... http://i40.tinypic.com/5f4zk8.jpg many more: http://www.houston-imports.com/forums/showthread.php?t=558440
  5. I've seen your car at the meets before, but never seen it run. Welcome to CR.
  6. Thorne tunes every car so it will sound like a Subaru, lolz.
  7. Newbs don't welcome newbs, newb...but your a newb so oh well....
  8. Welcome to CR and nice intro. You should come down here to Houston where the Hondas can actually be fast, lolz.
  9. He's right, Paul likes to let you get a lead and then thrust forward at you from behind, but in a totally not gay way... Anyways, welcome to CR.
  10. I could say that about a couple of my ex gf's to, lolz.
  11. I can't wait to try this thing out.
  12. Welcome, I feel like I will get some good entertainment from your presence here.
  13. She will be in my prayers, hope she feels better soon.
  14. Welcome to the site, I didn't see your first intro but glad to see anyone here who actually likes to work on cars.
  15. They both look like ford mustangs. :asshole:
  16. I predict that there will be no gays watching it because all they would see is a bunch of buff guys in thongs grabbing each other.
  17. I can't believe Christian hasn't been in here talking about the Rav yet.
  18. I would think that accidents would increase your rates more than moving violations. A moving violation just tells the insurance company that you are more likely to get involved in an accident that costs them money. An accident is something that they actually have to pay for.
  19. Welcome to CR. Nice Stangs!
  20. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/troy.jpg
  21. I like the 5 cylinder motors because they let you get the crappy fuel economy of a V6 with the crappy power of a 4 cylinder all at the same time!
  22. Dude, you are obviously completely wrong on this one. YOU KNOW that you were putting frontline on my back once a month and not only did I never get sick from it, I never got flees either (just lice once).
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