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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. It's actually a USDM Prado. Different vehicle. We have a diesel one in Bogota. You can get a two door version too. :fuckyeah:
  2. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/1388958044100.jpg
  3. I think California's experience with three strikes shows us that harsh punishments don't really serve as deterrents. Deterring crime with punishment is definitely an inverted u-curve when it comes to increasing punishments. The typical druggie/lowlife/gang member isn't logically considering the punishment when they commit a crime. If they were rational actors they wouldn't be doing those things. They are either drug addicts who won't think about the punishment or they will commit the crimes anyways because the power of law enforcement is not seen as legitimate in their communities and the forces that have power that is seen as legitimate (gangs/druggie friends/etc..) outweigh any possible punishment.
  4. I know with your mid-west location it can be hard for you to pronounce the name of a car from the far east, pronouncing it Godzirra will give you an extra boost of street cred like the little Japanese fella with the Lambo.
  5. I don't know about this case, but the fact that we know that mentally handicapped and innocent people have been executed in the past along with my hesitation to give the state power to kill makes me very uncomfortable with the death penalty in general.
  6. I've been considering a newer ES350 too. Anyone who says it's a glorified Camry has either never sat in both cars, or is just ignorant to materials/quality/size/etc...
  7. Congratulations man, I hop you have a whole heap ton of fun with it.
  8. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/medium/1388958044100.jpg
  9. Very cool video. The plan is to drive the RX-7 up and attend one of these meets this year.
  10. Put an LS in the Supra and join the dark side.
  11. Also, for beginners I recommend the Wallstreet Journal Complete Money & Investing Guidebook. It's a pretty easy read that covers the very basics. I also like Barron's Guide to Making Investment Decisions, this book is very basic again, but covers things like trusts, what is a blue chip stock, options, what is a money manager, etc....
  12. QFT. I don't understand the trading game to a level that I would be comfortable putting money into it. My job involves analyzing financial spreads, risk grading companies, etc...so I stick with investing for 1-2 year periods in a company that I can tell is relatively cheap/safe. I think the most important thing if you are looking to start investing or trading in equities is to understand two things about yourself; know your risk tolerance (and minimize risk when you can), and know what your strengths are (for me it's financial analysis of company books). If you get those two down and trade without emotions you will do alright.
  13. This is gone for 2014 too. They are now running equal length headers.
  14. Cool guy and cool car. I love the uniqueness and openness to new styles of car modification they are in Japan.
  15. http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/19bx6t9m6g1yhjpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5hkrBb09-Ec/Us1V2KdWdzI/AAAAAAAPpB4/FewdlwqHdTE/s1600/2015-Subaru-WRX-STI-30.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2013/02/lead4-2013-honda-civic-review.jpg http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/adam/b69ec59a1d333de945ac3ea6d65af8eb/lead4-2014-toyota-corolla-fd.jpg http://hss-prod.hss.aol.com/hss/storage/adam/4aa0e3afe882befdb153f09e416b070e/lead4-2015-subaru-wrx-fd.jpg Looks like a Corolla or Civic or future Chrysler 200 from the side, Evo X in front to me.
  16. Doesn't know basic financial information about a company.....recommends it's stock, lol. :dumb:
  17. Looks really good, my old WRX was that color.
  18. I think drug dealers, rental car company owners, and people with newly discharged bankruptcy's will be lining up for this thing.
  19. Maybe it's because you wrote your name on the headlight. :lolguy:
  20. I found this cool little sci fi story online when I was farting around looking for strange solutions to the Fermi Paradox. Although similar to a Cosmic Zoo theory the story gives an interesting view of perspectives and what we are used to. http://www.terrybisson.com/page6/page6.html FYI, everything else on his website is crap lol.
  21. Have you looked into the new streaming companies like the Sandstorm twins (Sandstorm Gold/Sandstorm Metals & Energy) or Silver Wheaton/Gold Wheaton? I really like Nolan Watson as a mining entrepreneur and I've been considering taking a small position in SND.V now that it's on sale.
  22. I think I've got something close to what you are looking for in my sig, not sure about the sound though :/
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