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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. 43% in personal investments. All of my retirement is in Berkshire so that gain is irrelevant.
  2. Yeah, I saw the report on CNN and they are doing a pretty crappy job of covering this.
  3. Just saw this on the news. Very sad. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/12/29/sport/motorsport/michael-schumacher-skiing-f1-motorsport/
  4. I tip $5 because I delivered Pizza in college and I know how it be.
  5. Nice, saw this on houston-imports and had to do a double take when I looked here lol.
  6. Well, since I'm an adult, and when I want something I buy it, my favorite gifts are watching Christmas specials on TV and seeing my family enjoy the gifts I get them.
  7. Well, in that case people should just be happy and quit their bitching.
  8. I see what you are saying truckin, but that's how a society works. Values, opinions, and what is acceptable changes. Those who maintain old beliefs are, of course, going to pay a cost for it if they live in the public sphere. I think that a lot of what is being expressed is a frustration that times are changing and some people are not. I take away a couple of things from this story. First, the reporter that did the interview obviously took advantage of the guy. He knew what his beliefs were and he knew what the result of publishing the article would be, but he did it to sell magazines. Second, the duck dynasty guy shouldn't be shocked about what happens when he makes comments comparing a portion of viewers to people who have sex with dogs and talks about how happy black people were in the old south when his job depends on people liking him and, in a sense, invite him into their homes. I am a minority so I am sure that I feel differently when I hear these things than you do, and that's ok. There are many media outlets where he can say things like this and will become more popular (Fox News, Syndicated radio, etc..) but a mainstream network like A&E is, apparently, not one of them.
  9. 2 new cars that I like and normally wouldn't are the Mazda 5 and the Nissan Sentra.
  10. Here you go: http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=43015&endYear=2014&photosOnly=true&listingType=used&driveCodes=4WD%7CAWD&listingTypes=used&maxPrice=10000&showcaseListingId=360762629&pricesOnly=true&mmt=%5BFORD%5BF150PICKUP%5B%5D%5D%5B%5D%5D&modelCode1=F150PICKUP&driveCode=4WD%7CAWD&showcaseOwnerId=85422&makeCode1=FORD&startYear=1999&searchRadius=100&listingId=360871619&listingIndex=3&Log=0 http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=43015&endYear=2014&photosOnly=true&listingType=used&driveCodes=4WD%7CAWD&listingTypes=used&maxPrice=10000&showcaseListingId=360762629&pricesOnly=true&mmt=%5BFORD%5BF150PICKUP%5B%5D%5D%5B%5D%5D&modelCode1=F150PICKUP&driveCode=4WD%7CAWD&showcaseOwnerId=85422&makeCode1=FORD&startYear=1999&searchRadius=100&listingId=361234492&listingIndex=4&Log=0 I would expect to get $4000-4500 for your truck.
  11. The outside looks great, now if only they made one without a Ford interior.
  12. I'm in Corporate Banking at BB&T based here in Houston but I do end up traveling a little.
  13. Which is exactly why you people should listen to me. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1703337&postcount=10
  14. Well, I'm up around 42% since I purchased AAPL earlier in the summer. I don't see a "correction" coming any time in the next 6-9 months so I'll be staying in the equities for now. I made a push into STTYF today since they had a small sell-off. It's a very interesting metal streaming company, I really like the business model for the future.
  15. It took my pedestrian mind 2 or 3 years to realize that the current generation of A5 is spectacularly good looking.
  16. Very nice choice, I'd do the same if I was getting a full sized truck.
  17. Jones is right. Besides, everyone reading this thread knows how bad he is making himself look, no reason to drag yourself down with him. Hell, he looks worse than Rustlestiltskin, who is one of the most useless people on this site.
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