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Everything posted by tuner2theend

  1. Spend money now and fix it or spend more money on another car? I'd fix it or keep it and get another car.
  2. nice indeed!... looks like intake clearance problems?
  3. drink + drive = fail
  4. ...V6? ...looks familiar
  5. tuner2theend

    TT saleen

    Awesome! ...yet they're goin for more power.
  6. did i see you before? i think i did
  7. aww that sucks. but its almost done right?
  8. awesome looks like a few hopefully it wont rain...
  9. ...by fun i mean race the teg
  10. tuner2theend


    goin to trails wednesday 15, anybody else? just goin for fun... look for the red teg... http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg135/Gaby01Gaby/P6040373-Copy.jpg
  11. supra's is what's up, powerfull ride
  12. had no idea it could burn... then again never been exposed long enough for it to affect me
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