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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I've got some intermittent CELs and it runs a little rough at idle, but it runs great at WOT, so I'm good to go. Got my new steering wheel put on, hopefully it solves my blister problem.
  2. Bump. They're talking about cancelling if they don't get more interest. Expo is always touch and go but this is the worst I've seen it.
  3. How well would you fit in an Integra Type R?
  4. Incidentally, I only recently learned that Ohio actually does have a state militia AND a state navy. Both are independent of the National Guard, although the militia drills with the Guard on Broad St. So if these people wanted to serve the governor in some capacity, there's legitimate options.
  5. Not sure if this has been posted yet.
  6. The rumor for some time has been that part of the deal between Subaru and Toyota is that Toyota would get a larger percentage of the production run for the first year. Top Gear said that it was 90%, Drive recently said it was 5:1, the actual sales numbers in the US seem to be around 2.5:1 or 3:1, but Toyota probably has way more dealers worldwide so the 90% number might end up being close to accurate. FWIW, Neither Toyota nor Subaru really want to confirm it, but if it's true, it would explain why Subaru dealers are marking them up. Doesn't explain why anyone would pay the markup, though. I drove a BR-Z and it's not a GT car; it's basically a stripper model anyway, might as well get the actual stripper model and save the cash. The front bumper looks better but that's not worth much.
  7. What was he carrying? Does he always record every trip to the store?
  8. That's how short sales work. They're never a sure thing until the bank says OK. If a bank agrees to a short sale, it's basically doing a huge favor to the homeowner by waiving some portion of the principle. In turn, the bank gets guaranteed money instead of possibly having to foreclose. This is why short sales are a pain in the ass.
  9. As is usual with these sorts of situations there are many ways it could have gone down better for all parties involved. Dude could have concealed his weapon, or left it at home. Gas station employee could have made a better determination of the actual threat. Cop could have not been so confrontational; so could Dude for that matter. But this thread isn't about the incident in general, it's about the 3.6 million dollar lawsuit, which I contend has no merit. I don't see anything the cops did that would rise to the level of illegal or improper behavior.
  10. Would a reasonable person conclude that a pedestrian had reason to be alarmed by cars going fast on the freeway? No? Then the cops wouldn't have reasonable suspicion to detain any of the drivers. It's a legal standard, it's not a free pass for cops to do whatever they want. Would a reasonable person conclude that a gas station employee had a reason to be alarmed by a guy walking into the store with a gun? Therein lies the legal challenge, and I'm fairly confident that the courts are going to side with the cops on this one. Especially since you yourself said you would be initially alarmed
  11. If your conduct results in a store employee calling the police and saying "There's someone in my store with a gun," then it's entirely reasonable for the officer on scene to suspect that you are "creating a condition that is physically offensive to persons" (from the ORC statute on disorderly conduct). After a brief detention permitted by law, the officer found that no law was broken and let the guy go. Everything was by the book and legal, this is going to get thrown out.
  12. Disorderly conduct, or suspicion of. The cop specifies in the video unless I missed something. eta: I also feel like I'm repeating myself.
  13. A crime doesn't have to be committed for an officer to have reasonable suspicion that one was. If your girlfriend calls the cops and says that you hit her, they can detain you until they ascertain that she's lying. Totally legal, no crime was committed.
  14. He wasn't charged with disorderly conduct, though, was he? The officer was merely responding to a 911 call, and I'd say that the officer had reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed -- that crime was disorderly conduct, and the suspicion was based on the testimony of the gas station employees. Reasonable suspicion as a legal term has less of a standard of proof than probable cause, and permits the officer to detain someone and frisk them for weapons. The detention was brief by all accounts, and the officer had reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed. This is going to get thrown out.
  15. $600,000 for emotional trauma? Did the cops search his vagina or something?
  16. I can't imagine a more boring appliance, but something like this: http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=107300570 $7k, 70k miles, 2007.
  17. HuffPo. Reuters. AP. LA Times. Washington Post. Wall Street Journal (paywall). I'm sick of shitty websites pretending like they're the only ones covering anything. You should stop reading them. eta: I was going to make a snarky comment about people who say you can't trust the government and then... trust the government, but the Pew folks reviewed the same data so there's multiple analysts on the case.
  18. Forum thread here: http://forums.itrexpo.com/zerothread?id=14901&page=1 Jay has his contact info listed in that first post, I'd shoot him an email.
  19. Here's some questions he's already answered, in case they come up here: ------------------------- Will the background check/license have to be renewed annually? Not annually but periodically. How does one obtain this gun license? If you pass an enhanced NICS check (which will include restraining orders and adjudicated mental illness), you get a shiny gun license that gives you the right to carry open or concealed throughout the USA (subject to restrictions on carrying in places like airplanes, schools, places of worship, etc.). You can get these at police stations, post offices, the DMV, specially licensed FFLs, etc. What are the penalties for violating this law? Just spitballing but...The penalty for having a gun without a license would be a felony and a year in jail. No more guns for you. The penalty for failure to register a gun would be seizure of the gun a fine and a misdemeanor. What does it take to sell one of my registered weapons to someone else? You can do it at any FFL. You can either go there together and just pay a transfer fee (about $30 around here) for the FFL to transfer registration to the new owner. What sorts of weapons, if any, are banned for public ownership? No more restriction than we have at the federal level right now. In fact we are loosening requirements on suppressors short barreled rifles/shotguns and we are reopening the NFA registry for surplus M-16s. What about training/safety classes? The national carry right would require safety class, law and proficiency exams. The right to own would only require NICs check.
  20. A poster on another forum (pro-gun guy) has this proposal, which he calls a "grand compromise" or something. I told him he was nuts if he thought it could get enough popular support. I'm here to see what the CR gun crew says about it. I offer no opinion of my own about whether or not this is a good idea, I just want to hear if you guys would support this. --------------------- The federal government exerts supremacy to knock out all state and local gun restrictions so there is a uniform gun law across the country. The federal government repeals NFA with respect to suppressors and short barreled rifles (does anyone think this makes sense anymore?). The federal government started auctioning surplus select fire M-16s. BUT, You have to get a federal gun license (which gives you the right to carry nationwide). You have to register all your firearms with a national registry.
  21. Info here: http://www.itrexpo.com/index.php It's $395 for two days (unfortunately a Mon/Tues, but that's Mid-Ohio for you), which is a great deal. That includes a T-shirt and a catered dinner Monday night. Honda not required (all makes/models welcome), instructors available and mandatory for newbies. The ITR Expo crew is a great group of guys who put on a good event.
  22. I'll echo what others have said -- easy to work on, parts are dirt cheap and everywhere. There is no such thing as a $1000 repair if you're doing your own work. Rust (and to a lesser extent, paint condition) is going to be the driving factor for the price. No rust, you're looking at something that could be worth 3-4 grand. Typical Honda quarter-panel rust and you're around 1500+. Rusted to shit and it's still an $800 car. Replacement seats are also hard to find, so if they're beat, factor that into the price. If they're vinyl, they're going to be beat.
  23. Yes, you started out talking about your interviewees, but then you expanded your rant to "this generation." Your choice of words, don't get mad at me. Don't worry, in 3 years you'll understand. You know, once you've grown up a little.
  24. You specifically said "This generation ... is lazy and stupid." If you intended that to be a more targeted rant, you failed. Dare I say, your generation sucks at making a point. In my day, we knew how to make a cogent argument.
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