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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. This is the first parts-store rotor I've seen fail like this, but I definitely won't be running them anymore. I've always run Brembos on my car, but we were trying to do the ChumpCar thing on the cheapy cheap. A lot of people who race Hondas get away fine with parts store rotors. Cars with 100hp and 2200lbs aren't very hard on the brakes.
  2. Oh, woosh. Yeah. The driver that was out there came in and was like "It's just not driving right." You know how it sucks trying to troubleshoot vague problems? With that outstanding description, I pulled off a random wheel fearing that everything was going to look perfectly normal. I was quite relieved when I saw that, because I know it was going to be a 5 minute fix. Incidentally, in the video you can see the exact moment the rotor brakes, and the car pulls hard to the right under braking. Why he couldn't describe that to me, I don't know. We blew up a rear wheel bearing not too long before this happened. That took about an hour to replace, but thank jeebus we had a couple of spares for that as well. I mean, it's ChumpCar, so I'm pretty sure everyone's life is already in danger... Also, the rotor was made in Venezuela.
  3. That's heat discoloration. We literally put them on in the paddock the night before. I voted against it because the previous owner said the "old ones" were brembo blanks, but my team overruled me because new is better.
  4. Our car was slow as hell and not particularly heavy either.
  5. Only if I can also tell you that I have a felony domestic violence conviction first. Molon labia! :gabe:
  6. Why New Yorkers? Drive to New York yourself and sell some magazines. Or do you only care about freedom when it affects you personally? :gabe:
  7. 3-5 years is a long time. Think back to how dumb you were 5 years ago -- you really want that guy building your Pike's Peak car? I wouldn't trust me from 5 years ago with anything like that. I spent my money on stupid things, because I mistakenly thought going fast was about speed rather than more important things like reliability and consistency. Five years from now I'm going to look back at myself now and think I was pretty dumb. Buy some cheap car and get lots and lots of seat time doing local(ish) hill climbs while saving your money. Then 12 months before the big event, buy or build the car that will suit you the best at that point in time.
  8. Expensive lesson learned, Hunters for the Hungry. As a general rule of thumb, large donations should be cleared in advance. That's true of anyone donating anything to anywhere, except cash perhaps. These guys didn't make a phone call first?
  9. Just got the email with registration instructions. I signed up for Advanced, but I'm assuming that's normal club Advanced. Not like 10/10ths Motorsports, where I recently learned that Advanced is open-passing no-point, racing license all but mandatory.
  10. I've only done 3 days there and it was the club course, and I agree with your men/boys comment. I think I spent the first day braking before the chicane, then the second day lifting before the chicane, then the third day flat out going into it... but got a little dirt on the wheels one lap. I went back to lifting a tad It's a fun stretch of track. Also, anything to make the track twistier is better for, ah, horsepower-challenged cars like mine.
  11. 4 more What's the pro course? No chicane?
  12. Well, he can get something older: http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=103440703 But since he's excluded 90% of the brands on the market, it's tough. He didn't say anything about Korean or Swedish cars? Hyundai Elantra GT (not exactly fun to drive, but it's not the worst car I found) http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=106195056 Saab 9-3: http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=107127959 This may be one of the last fun-to-drive Saturns: http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=108694640
  13. From your website: "We do allow a passenger, over the age of 18 and helmeted, in the car with you." Still apply at Mid-O? I've got some relatives who've been wanting a ride-along but they don't want to make the trip up to Nelson.
  14. Hmm... considering it. Let me talk to SWMBO.
  15. You're like a 15 year old kid in a strip club, but instead of semen you jizz screeds.
  16. Not that I want to feed your anti-government paranoia, but I recently read this piece that suggests that the 40mpg Dart was essentially a condition of the bailout (while we've got this failing company by the balls, let's make them be green!), and a 40mpg Dart meant a slow, undesirable Dart. In theory I don't have a problem with the government mandating fuel economy standards, but it's pretty asinine to hold 1 company to a higher standard than the rest of the market and expect them to be able to compete.
  17. It hurts your argument when you repeat misattributed quotes. None of these are legit. http://www.guncite.com/gc2ndbog.html http://www.monticello.org/site/jefferson/when-governments-fear-people-there-libertyquotation
  18. I don't know. My WAG would be that there's a difference between Columbine, and videos that may show a bunch of dead first-graders. Or maybe Columbine was an exception, and cities have since learned how better to control evidence. However, in situations like this where you can either answer: 1) I don't know, or 2) I find it plausible that all of the eyewitnesses and the medical examiner (including the ME's staff) are lying for some reason, the only rational answer is 1.
  19. My research is old, but I bought some used RX-8 TPMS sensors when I bought wheels for my Mazda5. They work great. Mazda used the same sensors in a lot of vehicles.
  20. That's why I lock my minivan keys in a gun safe along with my pistol and hammers. Because all of these things are equally dangerous. Can't let my kids get a hold of them, you know.
  21. When I lived in DC there were speed cameras everywhere, but most of them were well known so you just slowed down. I only got nabbed once, and it was a $40 lesson in where that particular camera was. It'd take 9 of those tickets to pay for this device, and that's assuming it worked every time. Still, that was a few years ago; if the UK is any indication, speed cameras are only going to become more pervasive. I wonder if they (the camera companies) can turn off the flash during the daytime and render this less useful.
  22. Apparently sometime prior to 1959, if we're making the same complaints about "kids these days" as we did 50+ years ago.
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