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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Do you think we did what they said we were supposed to do? Last I heard Ohio's testing capacity was still not what they said it was going to be at this point, PPE supplies are still limited although not dire like April. It does seem like most places have made good progress in hospital and ICU surge capacity, and ventilator demand doesn't seem to be as high as we once feared. There are plans in place to handle local/regional hotspots. That's all good news. But.... The CDC guidelines for opening up had very specific requirements for doing so, e.g. a 14 day continuous drop in cases, and any deviation from those requirements called for locking back down. Texas, for example, never had a continuous 14 day drop in cases and just said "fuck it." Now their case rate is growing exponentially again, first time since early march. Same with Florida, Georgia, etc. It seems apparent to me, maybe you disagree, that a few major cities are going to start knowing what NYC and Detroit were going through 3 months ago. I guess we'll see. It does seem like treatments have gotten a lot better (no thanks to Hydroxychloroquine) so we may never get to an Italy or Spain scenario, but we're nowhere near out of the woods yet. I think what we'll see is what happens to a local economy when people aren't leaving the house because of the virus and not because of lockdowns. This was one of DeWine's main points -- we can open up, but if people start getting sick again and we're all seeing hospitals at or above capacity, the economy is going to shit the bed regardless of any government orders.
  2. ICU capacity to watch in Houston.
  3. You can keep repeating this all you want but it doesn't sny make it true. Get our of your news bubble.
  4. That's definitely the way to go if you can find the right package.
  5. It helps to divide everything by 3. If you can find a few friends financially stable enough to not worry about burning a few grand every year it's really not that bad compared to some other hobbies. Certainly more enjoyable in my book than buying AR-15s and ammo to shoot paper targets, and probably not any more expensive :-P Just don't tell my wife any of this.
  6. I mean this: That is, she's telling you things that you want to hear. Which is, you know, whatever, if all you're looking for is someone to say what you want so you can nod along that's fine, or if you think she puts things into words in a way that you enjoy, there's certainly a place for that. But who is she other than a pundit? She's a (checks wikipedia) college journalism dropout who worked some odd jobs before wading into internet punditry and signing on with Charlie Kirk's little tribe. She's got no real qualifications or talent other than self-promotion as far as I know, which isn't meant to be an appeal to (lack of) authority, but I think if you don't already agree with what she's saying she's not exactly compelling.
  7. She says things people want to hear.
  8. That's awful. How old and any comorbidities?
  9. If the nursing homes aren't big enough we can set up special camps for them. Of course we'll need a way to get them there, maybe by rail. And then we'll need a way to dispose of the corpses....
  10. Hydroxycholorquine struck another blow:
  11. I'm not not taking it into account either -- even the elderly and others knocking on death's door require treatment. If we've learned anything from this it should be that we're not prepared for a bad pandemic. We took drastic measures as a nation (well, as individual states and cities) and managed to limit the places where our health care system was nearly overrun to only a few regions. Remember that the .5 - 1% IFR was WITH people getting treatment. If it were much worse than a lot more "healthy" people wouldn't have been able to get treatment and the IFR would (and still could) be higher. A good question is, let's say 5 years from now a different strain of coronavirus attacks the globe with the exact same infection rate and fatality characteristics. Do we do nothing and just accept 1 to 2.5 million dead Americans? I would say doing so would cripple our health care industry and lead to massive economic hardship anyway. Now let's say by some fluke of life you're working in public health for the state and you see all of these reports of COVID-24 starting to cause issues in other countries. Maybe we don't shut down the economy, but we do cancel public events, limit mass gatherings, spend a relative shitload of money on advanced testing, contact tracing, and PPE procurement. Except nobody will listen to you because "COVID-19 ended up not being that bad, most of the people who died were old anyway." You're ignored. How do you think that turns out for us?
  12. I just want to point out that this article is from May 28 and is in the liberal lefty mainstream rag "NPR." That is to say, we've known for a while now that the IFR is probably somewhere between .5% and 1% (NY released its preliminary studies in early May, which line up with this reporting from NPR). Unfortunately, with 330 million Americans and an assumed 60-70% required infection rate for "herd immunity," even that "good news" fatality rate will still mean between 1 million and 2.5 million dead Americans. It may still come out that the IFR is even lower than .5%, which would be great news. But the antibody testing right now appears to suck ass.
  13. Maybe 2-4 grand, we really need to cut weight and while I do have some more free weight savings to do there are a lot of "open" (no points assessed) items that nevertheless cost money. Wheels are open but the wheels pictured are 25 lb OEM M3 wheels because I can't afford forged race wheels, we're only running 235s because of the narrow wheels, entire braking system is open but lightweight AP calipers cost money, exhaust is open but we're running stock (with cats) because a race exhaust is $800. I'd really like to have oil, trans, diff coolers with proper temperature monitoring, but you know... money. Etc. I do want to emphasize again that we paid retail labor rates for things like new ball joins and tie rods, and we paid retail labor rates for ALL of the safety equipment. You can also find a deal on racing junk and do this for cheaper. But even discounting the price of the car, dollar for dollar a minute of track time at a ChumpCar race has ended up being more expensive than a minute of track time at a HPDE weekend.
  14. It feels very much like children playing revolutionaries. Since there appears to be an open dialog my guess is that the city will make some empty promises and the situation will diffuse. We can hope, at least.
  15. I think all of the above, although I assume residences means apartments/condos. CHAZ organizers claim to be making sure people coming in are residents, apparently checking IDs in some cases. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/protesters-police-discuss-seattle-autonomous-zone-or-chaz-whats-next/TASTMW7TKJGJDOAHJOJIFBKEYM/
  16. Ah. Well that's dumb and will never happen due to contract laws.
  17. The #1 problem with cheap endurance racing is time -- everyone wants to show up to the party, nobody wants to stay and clean up. My cousin lives in DC, he bought this car in 2016 and we only worked on it when I was out that way for work and actually had some free time. So, hardly ever. We ended up paying for a bunch of labor, so keep that in mind, but also I think that's a realistic option. Car - $3000 (130k miles) Safety Equipment by Piper Motorsports in Sterling, VA (Seats, Cage, Harnesses, Fire system, window nets, kill switch) - $7500 Suspension refresh and reinforcement by RRT in NoVA - $4500 Miscellaneous go fast upgrades - $2000 So we're about $17k in right now and we're not competitive. Fortunately we're dividing everything 3 ways. Obviously you can do it for less but the days of true $500 cars racing are long gone.
  18. Do I need to explain the joke to you?
  19. Good thing I never said that then.... Glad we're on the same team.
  20. What division? There's so many people agreeing with me in this thread. Including you.
  21. Speak up then. Nothing is stopping you from protesting in her honor. I'm assuming you're against the state busting into the wrong house and murdering innocent civilians. That shit should make all Americans pissed off.
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