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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I've been trying to donate my old van, I'd like to bypass the usual charities and just give it directly to a family who needs a good van. This has proven surprisingly difficult given the bubble I live in, we've reached out to a couple of pastors we know and haven't heard anything back, so I'll open it up to CR. It's an '06 with 170k miles, mechanically perfect with decent tires and a fresh oil change. If you know someone who needs a break, PM me.
  2. Yeah if we're giving sage advice I've got to agree with Kerry here, there's a lot of really good cars out there and $15-$18 for a depreciating consumable strikes me as a lot of money. I'm 39 and my wife and I make decent money and yet this used minivan I just bought was the most expensive vehicle purchase I've ever made at the ridiculous price of $19.8. But then I'm a wage slave and not independently wealthy like half of CR Insurance, like Kerry mentioned, but also sales tax, both of those are just money for nothing, basically. The tax difference between a solid $9k car and an $18k car is only $700, but that's $700 that you get no enjoyment from. I've also never been a huge fan of big performance numbers for a DD, but that's a personal preference I guess. I'd rather ring out 140hp on all seasons than loaf around in a Corvette nowhere near the limits of the car. I'll get off my soapbox now.
  3. Yeah, not saying that one's a winner but I've seen clean titled FR-S for around 10. Just not a lot on CL at the moment. I do struggle to fit in them with a helmet on, not sure how tall OP is.
  4. The Frisbee twins are at a really nice point on the depreciation curve. I know they're everywhere but that's a lot of fun per $, they're light on consumables, and being much newer than a rattletrap C5, it should be fairly reliable.
  5. For that matter, 15 years ago I was sinking way too much money into a small, cheap Japanese car. Now I'm... sinking way too much money into a small, cheap Japanese car.
  6. Sounds like an interesting story for ESPN then. Does the gateway pundit have a sports desk?
  7. I try not to be disrespectful so if I have, point it out and I'll apologize. As for continuing to attempt to discuss politics, kitchen threads existed before I got here and if people don't want to have a debate they can just not click on them. I don't bring up this stuff in the chatbox or any other areas. I'm not sure how talking about politics in a politics thread is "baiting" anyone into doing anything they don't want to do. But OK, what are you saying. No more politics on CR?
  8. It's OK to be mad about someone's skull getting broken.
  9. I'm procrastinating at work and found this thread debating issue 1 in 2004. I was still stationed in NE at the time so I wasn't tracking this issue, and I don't think it became a national topic until a couple of years later. Now that the gay marriage debate is done and solved and the world hasn't ended, I thought it'd be interesting to look at some of the rhetoric used here to support issue 1 at the time. Some of these posters are still around, I'm curious if they still feel the same way.
  10. That's a fair point. First they dominate local high school sports, but the next thing you know they're destabilizing global alliances, destroying jobs with ineffective trade wars, and blowing up the national debt that their kids probably won't even have to pay back because they're unlikely to have any kids. It's a good thing the conservative media is kicking the transgender community back into the margins of society where they belong, before they can really start wreaking havoc. Speaking truth to power is an important role for the media, and there's no one more powerful than transgender high school athletes.
  11. Is the conservative media going to whip up outrage over these two every time they compete? We already did this a year ago, and they're probably going to get 1st and 2nd place again in June. I'm sure the Daily Caller already has it's story written for then, gotta get them clicks.
  12. Not sure if anyone has actually used this in a BMW, but there exists now an adapter to mate Mazda BP and/or Honda K engines to E36 transmissions. I picked up my K24 for under grand, maybe someone wants to do a Honda powered E36? GLWS, this is sad to see.
  13. Someone on GRM detailed his experience owning a "cheap" 996 over a few years, scared me away from ever considering one. Matches up pretty well with what cdk describes. He was paying for labor but even still, parts prices are nuts. And calling the 996 interior Taurus spec is an insult to Tauruses. It's pretty clear it was developed in the lean times, before Porsche had all that Cayenne money to throw around.
  14. Yes we suck dicks, what's your point? So many dicks. What does that have to do with you being too pompous to educate us ignorant folk?
  15. The investigation is a net positive on money from all the Manafort seizures. But apparently you're pro-crime now? Weird flex but OK. Guess "lock her up" was about all the murders and assaults Hillary had committed.
  16. Aren't like 9 people already in jail from the Mueller investigation? Job well done, I'd say. eta: Plus we already have Michael Cohen testifying under oath that Trump ordered him to commit a crime which Cohen is now in jail for. Trump could already be charged for that if he weren't president, and all a jury would have to do is believe Cohen's testimony to convict him. That's not even considering the chance that Cohen caught the order on tape. So the chance that the investigation "won't find shit" is already non-existent, if you consider this well supported criminal act to be "shit."
  17. Never claimed to be, but neither can you. Let me ask you -- the liberal reporting on Smollett came after he filed a police report. Now that the tables have turned and the Chicago PD have filed charges, it's the conservative media's turn to whip up outrage over this. But Smollett is denying the allegations. Shouldn't the conservative media be waiting for all the facts to come in before getting their readers all worked up into a frenzy?
  18. Oh please. Republicans run this country. Senate, presidency, scotus, 27 governors and 32 state legislatures. Fox News is the #1 media source. It IS the msm by any definition. Kerry and I are outnumbered here on CR like 5 to 1. Quit acting like being a conservative is all edgy and underdoggy. The left doesn't control shit.
  19. Here's an example of Tucker Carlson picking up a hoax created by 4chan and repeating it in order to smear feminists. We ARE doomed! Fox News picks up a satirical article thinking it's real and uses it to smear Muslims. Where are all of the conservative fact checkers?
  20. Here's a collection of multiple fake news stories the conservative media picked up about a single congresswoman just in the last couple of weeks. Are we doomed?
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