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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Every video released by James O'Keefe/Project Veritas that the conservative ran with without double check to see if it was bullshit? ACORN? Planned Parenthood? Cesar Sayoc? I'll go toe to toe on anecdotes if you want. The difference is that at least CNN issues apologies and retractions when they fuck up, and people get fired. I'll admit this is worrying that the left gets so worked up without waiting for all the facts, but they're only playing catch up to the right in this regard.
  2. Was Obama born in Kenya? Did Hillary sell uranium to Russia? Were the central park five guilty? Was there a child sex ring in the basement of Comet Pizza?
  3. People jumping to conclusions and tweeting off the handle is not a left/right thing. Agree?
  4. No, I don't think you came up with the term. I don't think it's "not PC". Come on. You did, however, bring it up out of nowhere. What does the "blue wave" have to do with Jussie Whatshisname and his lies? Seems to me you want to pin his behavior on some larger liberal movement. Was that not your intention? And if that was your intention, as I think it was, then you need address the elephant in the room.
  5. For as knowledgeable about everything as you claim to be, you never seem to try to educate anyone on any topic. All of your posts are just whining and complaining.
  6. You thrown more insults at liberals in general and me and Kerry in particular than perhaps any other poster here. Is that your true self? Why can't you have a reasonable debate without resorting to insults?
  7. And what about your "blue wave" comment? Have you been equally concerned about the alt-right media and #MAGA riling up these racists as well?
  8. Gregory Bush murdered two people in a Kroger in Jeffersontown, KY because they were black. When a bystander shot back as he was leaving the store, he said, "Whites don't shoot whites." A former friend said that his hateful rhetoric became increasingly vitriolic during the 2016 presidential campaign. Pure evil. Pure racism. Robert Bowers murdered 11 people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA because they were Jewish. Among his social media posts were such gems as "There is no #MAGA as long as there is a ^^^^ infestation." Pure evil. Pure racism. Dylann Roof murdered 9 people in a baptist church in Charleston, SC because they were black. In his manifesto, Roof said he became "racially aware" after reading coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting, saying George Zimmerman was right and he couldn't understand why it was a national story. He then became obsessed with reading about black on white crime. Pure evil. Pure racism. Panduh, I hope your newfound concern about racism and dangerous political rhetoric gets channeled appropriately. Oh, and after NPR's coverage on Smollett this morning I heard about this great guy named Chris Hasson, a white nationalist who was stockpiling weapons and had planned a "hit list" of democratic politicians. A long history of skinhead, alt-right, and neo nazi associations, this asshole wrote about the need for a "white homeland." Pure evil. Pure racism. I wonder how much time the Daily Wire is going to spend on this guy versus talking about Jussie Smollett.
  9. Careful panduh, the CR police are going to jump down your throat for that red team/blue team stuff. Right, CR police?
  10. Seriously, fuck that guy. What a moron. He hired black people to pretend to be Trump supporters. I hope Illinois throws the book at him. Shit like this is hugely counter-productive.
  11. They were rare as hens teeth but the Z34 had a V6, a 5 speed, and ran a 15 flat in 1990. If it wasn't such a terrible car in every other regard it would be a legend.
  12. I'm certainly willing to listen to proposals about drones. Does Trump have any such proposal I can read?
  13. You're going to find tens of thousand of agents willing to be stationed in the middle of the desert to do this job? Sounds expensive. What's your plan exactly?
  14. Yes, I was pissed. And yes, I said that at the time. Do you remember when Republicans ripped Obama for pulling out of Iraq?
  15. That's what you're going to tell people as you steal their land? I'm sure they'll be thrilled.
  16. "Walls work" is mindless jingoism. Allow me to demonstrate this by of people climbing over a wall. Having thus demonstrated that walls do not work, will you stop pretending like this is a persuasive argument? Perhaps you meant to say "Walls can be an effective part of a comprehensive security strategy." Is that what you meant? If so, would you want to see a comprehensive security strategy before forking over $20B for a wall? I sure would. What would this comprehensive security strategy include? Things like where the wall will be built, how they intend to deal with the eminent domain issues, how it will be monitored, how it will be maintained, yes? Will you admit that this comprehensive security strategy that includes a $20B wall DOES NOT EXIST? Until an actual plan exists that we can debate, the wall is about as pointless as talking about magic beans. (And I came up with the magic beans myself, I'm clever like that. You're welcome to use it though.)
  17. Every argument in favor of the wall can also be applied to the magic beans. "$8B in magic beans is a drop in the bucket compared to what we spend on the military." "LOL at the polls, the magic beans are actually popular." "We need to draw a line in the sand about the caravans and the magic beans will do that." Bunch of rubes here.
  18. People who's literal job it is to do polling might not have realized that people from highly populated areas will give different answers than people from Wyoming. You've cracked it wide open! You should give them a call, they would probably love this groundbreaking advice from someone who mispells "polling" so often.
  19. Polls show that most Americans don't want the wall. Even fewer approve of a national emergency declaration in order to pay for it. Sounds like congress is, in this case, representing the will of the people by not funding the wall. Did you not know that? Or are you going to ignore facts and pretend that polls are always wrong and fake news whatnot.
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