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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. It's spelled peener you ingrate. We suck each other's big peeners, not "penors." Get it right.
  2. Forget it Kerry, you only care about Trump's corruption because the libral media has brainwashed you into thinking ornj man bad. This may be tough for you to hear but you're not actually capable of forming your own opinions about things that are obviously bad. Also there's no corruption, also everyone's corrupt so it's no big deal, also corruption's not illegal, also what about Hillary's emails?
  3. I think you guys are overthinking it, I think when he says "Build the wall!" the xenophobic morons he's surrounded himself with at his rallies cheer for him, and he likes it when people like him.
  4. I know it's been a long two years, but do you remember when he begged the Mexican president to cover for his idiotic claims? From the leaked transcript of his 27 Jan 2017 phone call. The art of the deal, ladies and gentlemen. Master negotiator.
  5. Other dude holds up his iphone and says "If I walk from here to there, does Google know." And he's like, uhhh, where do I start with this one, and then the guy gets pissy, "It's a yes or no question"
  6. But he keeps saying "we," which erroneously implies some sort of human intervention. It's all machine learning algorithms, the test for fitness is [probably] which results get clicked on the most. It's so abstract that it doesn't make a lick of sense to talk about "bias" in the search results.
  7. ITT a bunch of people who think they know how Google's search engine algorithms work. Hint, even Google doesn't know how Google's search engine algorithms work.
  8. Put your money where you mouth is and promise not to sign up for Medicare.
  9. When he turns 65 and goes crawling to the government for health care it's going to be quite ironic.
  10. So Tim, when you vote for your city council members do you not pay any attention to how they're paying for the police department because people should just buy a gun and lock their doors? You can't control the budget directly, no need to worry about how they're doing their jobs. Right?
  11. You left yourself open there Kerry. It's important to always make clear that the federal government is always going to be in the healthcare business because of the simple economics of aging. So it's not whether or not the government should try to tackle these problems, it's a matter of how to pay for it.
  12. Great, but what about people concerned about the ballooning federal budget? Once again you're having your own conversation about something nobody else is discussing.
  13. My BMI is normal and I live in a 4 bedroom house, and I gotta say you seem pretty damn ignorant.
  14. It's a lot easier to just call people NPCs and make "orange man bad" memes than it is to actually pay attention to the world. Or maybe Trump defenders are OK with long term damage to our country as long as it really pisses off the libs.
  15. Sure. But let's recap the Obamacare debate here as quickly as possible. 1) Medicare is never going to go away, because private insurers don't want to insure anyone over 65. Old people, regardless of their health, are a terrible bet for private health insurance companies, so our options as a nation are limited unless we're comfortable just letting senior citizens die from preventable causes. We've chosen, probably correctly, to solve this problem with Medicare, a single payer system. 2) Medicare is getting exponentially more expensive due to a large number of factors that Medicare administrators have no control over. So, of course people need to take personal responsibility for their own health, but how does that relate to the ballooning cost of Medicare? Should politicians just do nothing while waiting for Americans to get healthy on their own?
  16. Yes, that's what I'm saying. Fat slobs are the healthiest motherfuckers in America. Do you disagree? The fat slobs are even healthier if they're wearing a sleeveless flannel and a trucker hat while taking about how much better they are than the east coast liberals and their "yoga" classes. God those fat fucks are so healthy that they never need health care and can comfortably vote against any policy that might make it easier for their own fat asses to get it. Sitting around, eating bacon and watching Duck Dynasty while hating on athletes is the best thing you can do for your health, everyone knows this. Man, this thread is really confusing sometimes, I can't believe people think that a healthy lifestyle might reduce health care costs. Read a book!
  17. It's so simple, why didn't Republicans just replace Obamacare with "step outside for some fresh air once in a while" when they had the chance? Morans.
  18. Pro tip from me to you, you can save money and avoid taxes by not having a social life
  19. What were the issues under Obama? Pretty terrible foreign policy, drone strikes, "red line" comment on Syria, overly aggressive anti-terrorism and general deportation policy. Lives were definitely ruined under Obama, and the careless attitude towards collateral damage in his continued "war on terror" was no doubt a grievous humanitarian crisis and a gross human rights violation. (If only the left and the right could have come together on this last issue, but the right will never criticize murdering Muslims and the left was never willing to eat their own). What are the issues under Trump? Political divisiveness with no end in sight, leading to total political gridlock and an assurance that no important issues will ever get solved. Trump has engaged in a non-stop over-the-top war on Democrats (12/17 angry Dems, Dems are the enemy of the people, Dems want open borders so MS-13 can come in and rape your daughters, etc etc etc) that has continued to drive a wedge between the parties. He's used his authority to attack political opponents in a way that hasn't been seen in this country... ever (to wit, why are we still talking about prosecuting Clinton, a private citizen and political nobody, for crimes for which she was thoroughly investigated and cleared?) Trump has attacked his own government, growing hatred for a governing body which is supposed to be by the people, for the people. Instead, he's fomenting hatred of a "deep state" bogeyman by attacking the rule of law and justice (witch hunt!). Conservatives used to claim that Obama was just too divisive a leader for daring to suggest that maybe transgendered Americans are people too, but holy shit, the divisiveness in this country has ratcheted up to 1000 ever since anyone gave Trump a platform to claim that Obama was really a Muslim Kenyan. So what issues are we failing to solve while watching this trainwreck of an administration tear this country in two? Well, let's just start with the deficit. Our children are going to have to pay back all of the money that Republicans have handed out to the wealthy because, newsflash, tax cuts are easy and spending cuts are hard. But it's going to get worse, because health care costs are continuing to skyrocket, a uniquely American problem because America has a uniquely stupid health care system, and Republicans will never agree to any kind of a solution because a) they have no ideas (Who knew health care was so complicated?) and b) their entire platform has been built on this notion that government sucks. Guess who's going to have to foot the bill when it all blows up? Again, our children. But it's going to get worse, because climate change is the #1 issue affecting future generations, like it or not. Who's going to foot the bill for relocating whole cities of people as sea levels rise, or arable land becomes desert, or massive public works projects are necessary to combat natural disasters? That's right, our children. So we're heading into a massive financial boondoggle that our children are going to have to deal with, but our leadership doesn't care. Instead, we're supposed to, what, freak out about immigrants? Worry about guns? Abortion? None of those issues are going to fuck us over in the future. Climate change, health care, and how we're going to pay to fix everything, those are the issues. And I may not like a lot of the Democrat's solutions to those problems, but I respect that they've at least identified the correct problems to solve. Trump is a cancer on this country. He's a distraction, not a leader. And none of the above is the result of the "leftist media fabricating fear." These are real issues, but most of the country is completely uninterested in solving them.
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