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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Nevertheless, it's incorrect to say that "something is happening" when nothing has happened that hasn't happened in the past, just because Kim Jong Un is not Kim Jong Il. It's a hopeful platitude, not a concrete happening. You can't deny that.
  2. So the life-long military leaders have been wasting money on pointless military training exercises for decades?! What are you saying exactly? YOU know more than them?
  3. And FWIW, none of these promises from NK are new. We've gotten nothing from NK but words, which we've gotten in the past.
  4. Trump's not making moves, he's already solved the problem! Rest easy, he says on Twitter, the nuclear threat is over.
  5. You're right, I've only got 16 years in the military, what do I know about training.
  6. Ah yes... global recognition, halting long-planned and essential military training, and ending sanctions -- negotiating "free-bes" [sic] in the Trump universe.
  7. When your sarcasm is closer to the truth than your attempts to be truthful....
  8. None of that is actually happening but you've never given a fuck about reality before, so why start.
  9. Ah yes, the old "Give them everything they want and hope we get something out of it eventually" strategy. Brilliant. I'm sure if Obama had done all of this you'd be singing his praises as well. After all, the Iran nuclear deal was a diplomatic tour de force compared to what we've gotten out of this summit and conservatives couldn't stop praising Obama over that one.
  10. But hey, at least he's sticking it to our allies. #artofthedeal
  11. Recognizing the legitimacy of the Kim regime on a world stage? Agreeing to halt joint military exercises in order to "save money"? What the hell is going on here?
  12. I'm just sad I don't have 90k lying around. Best of luck
  13. Greetings friend! I hope you are well on this blessed day. I'm writing to inform you that I have recently come into a large amount of money. However, it is currently under escrow at United Bank of Nigeria and I need your graceful assistance in retrieving it. I will send you a check for $99,000 USD. Once received, please send me $90,000 USD. The remaining $9,000 USD is for your troubles. Please write back at once, as this is a matter of extreme urgency. God bless. Prince Akeem
  14. This is just the shot in the arm that the American economy needs! U-S-A! U-S-A! Trade wars are indeed good, and easy to win! I'll just go see how the stock market is reacting to this amazing news! Oh.
  15. Trump threatens to ban German car imports, starts trade war with Japan that will affect Japanese car imports. What a time!
  16. Now tell us about your plan to stop drunk driving deaths by getting people to just stop drinking and driving.
  17. So, what you're saying is, in order to stop school shootings people need to stop having children they can't afford. Simple. Let's get right on that.
  18. You pop into these threads every few weeks with some blanket proclamation about how worthless the general public is, and the moment I turn the mirror on you I'm a know-it-all. You can dish it but you can't take it apparently.
  19. So you won life's participation trophy and you think you're special because of it. Ironic.
  20. So Wagner, do you share your generation's lack of personal responsibility, or are you better than the rest?
  21. It amuses me to no end that, very often, the people I hear bitch about "kids these days" being soft, entitled, easily offended, etc, are themselves "kids." What they're actually saying is, "My generation is bad, but I am an exception. I'm better than my peers." It's literally an elitist viewpoint, from people who then complain about elitism in politics. Boggles the mind. Rule of thumb, anyone who complains about "kids these days" can be readily dismissed without further thought.
  22. You know it brother. 9 seats for all the bitches a 16 year old could muster. Which was none in my case. eta: Ours was gray with a whorehouse red interior, but otherwise this was it. God I hated that car, but it certainly had presence.
  23. Come on man, he's got a 4 year old and correctly sized up all of the bad kids in high school in 2 minutes, don't question him.
  24. All I'm going to say is that I've spent the last 2 days boning up on information security practices to get recertified, and in the industry, your ideas about physical security would be considered naive. No system is considered impenetrable, it's all just a deterrent, even on military bases. I don't know enough about your setup to tell you the exact vulnerabilities, but no security expert is going to ever pat you on the back and say that you've cracked the code for good. Agree to disagree? I've already said it depends on the specifics, and you've sworn up and down that you have an incredible secure system that only a determined killer could possibly circumvent. If you believe with 100% certainty that no child of yours could ever grow up to be a determined killer, then I guess you're right, but I'm not Nostradamus and I wouldn't make such a profoundly confident prediction about even my own kids. If people do a reasonably good job of being parents and make a reasonable effort at securing their firearms, I don't see any reason to punish them for the unthinkable. Give me a break. I don't even know how to address all of these nonsense strawman claims. I've wasted enough time on this.
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