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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Steven Yeun's star power is rising pretty dramatically, but looking at IMDB he doesn't really have anything in the pipeline. I think he'd be smart to get killed off and go do movies, but it doesn't look like he's going to. If you actually want to spoil things for yourself, you can google story lines from the comics, but I won't post anything here. Daryl doesn't exist in the comics so who knows. Personally, I think Daryl's a cockroach; he's going to die of old age, and it would make no sense for them to kill him off. He's got a few movies coming out (per IMDB) but nothing that looks like it would take away from TWD filming. If they killed off Rick it would be a major departure from the comics, but they should do it just because, fuck Rick.
  2. All children at pyschopaths and all teenagers are narcissistic shitheads. I don't think we need to start diagnosing them all with neurological disorders.
  3. You don't have to explain respect, I understand the concept. You have to explain your rule. Why is "kids can't have sex in the house" a good rule? What does it accomplish?
  4. OK, but why does this show a lack of courtesy? OK, so it shows a lack of courtesy because it's against the rule, but why is there a rule against it? OK, so it's against the rule because there's a rule against it. Claiming that this is about respect is just a grown up version of "because I said so." You need a reason for the rule to exist. You haven't presented one, and if you can't convince me, a 35-year-old man, you're not going to be able to convince a rebellious teenager. If that's all you got... it's a rule because you're supes jelly? Meh.
  5. As a general rule of thumb, something being "wrong" requires a victim. Who's the victim here? You? How are you harmed by something going on behind closed doors that doesn't involve you? You could say your daughter is the victim, but I don't believe that's true for two 17 year old with no extenuating factors. Plus, you don't have a problem with the activity, just the location. All you've got is some notion that it's disrespectful, but why? There's nothing inherently disrespectful about it, it's all a construct of your own doing. And it's circular thinking. Sex in the house is against the rules because it's disrespectful. It's disrespectful because she's breaking the rules. Doesn't work for me.
  6. There are different kinds of rules, right? 1) No harboring fugitives in my house. Sensible rule, enforce with an iron fist, and if she disobeys it throw her ass out. 2) No wearing shoes in my house. I don't agree with it but it's a simple matter to take your shoes off, so if she disobeys it feel free to take it as a sign of disrepect. 3) No talking in my house, even in your room. Whoa, this is completely unreasonable rule, and if you catch her talking it's not a sign of disrespect, it's a sign that you're way too strict and need to lighten up. 4) Upon entering my house, you will eat 12 live lizards. Umm, yeah, this is nowhere close to being about "respect," seek help. So what type of rule is "no fucking in my house?" As a fellow atheist, and as someone who doesn't have antiquated prudish ideas about sexual morality, I think this rule is closest to #3. You're being unreasonable by asking horny 18-year-olds not to do something that is natural, moral, and biologically compulsive. And yes, I have 2 daughters (and a son) and would be 100% ok with all of them fucking in my house after a reasonable age. If they fuck on your kitchen table, though, that is not OK. Only the homeowners are allowed to fuck there.
  7. When a phone is $650+ and it costs less to finance it than purchase it outright... yup.
  8. The $25 discount requires a data plan of at least 6GB (per the FAQ, various internet sites say 8GB or 10GB, I dunno). I've got a 10GB plan so I can't see how this isn't a $200 savings over buying a new phone every 2 years on contract, which is what I do now. Seems like a no-brainer. You can even stack the discounts, so when my wife switches to Edge the math still works in our favor.
  9. I will never, ever go back to ink. Toner for life. You can get a Brother color laser printer for $205 on Amazon right now, I didn't really shop around nor do I want to become a printer guru, but that's the route I would go.
  10. As someone comfortable enough with my masculinity to own 2 minivans and a Honda, I cannot get my head around standards like this. It's a truck based SUV, right? Looks manly enough for me. Based on the prices I'm seeing, I'm thinking the Pathfinder has real potential as well. Thanks for the suggestion! I'm not sure I could get them to go for a Land Rover, they're well read and probably have a subscription to Consumer Reports.
  11. Man, I think you might be reading into this a little too much. But fine, here's the background. I like my BIL well enough; he's got some strange ideas about religion but he's a nice enough guy and a great dad. He's a very talented electrical engineer; there's a good chance you owe some small part of the phone you're using to his chip designs. Of course, he married my sister. She's mean and belittles him in front of us. I won't air all the dirty laundry here but frankly I feel bad for him, he could have done a lot better but rushed into marriage because, like I said, crazy ideas about religion. Also he's like 5'5" and giant computer nerd and was probably thrilled at the prospect of some poon. No judgement here, he and I have a lot of nerdness in common. Anyway, he's got a 2002 Camry that needs some work and they don't want to spend money on it. They bought some land last year and he's started getting into hunting. He needs a new DD, but he wants something that will tow a trailer and get him around on his land (nothing too crazy, from what I've seen. Like I said, he ain't tackling the Rubicon.) He's picked an FJ Cruiser, based on what I can only assume is its rugged appearance considering that a RAV4 would probably do fine for what he needs. And that's fine, most car purchases, including my own, are made for irrational reasons because people fall in love with a certain car. Clearly he likes something about the FJ, and I doubt it's the ground clearance or the 3 windshield wipers. I think he just likes the way it looks. But his overbearing wife has put a set of restrictions on the purchase that I'm finding hard to work with. Yes, there may be an FJ Cruiser with less than 100k miles within a 100 mile radius of his house for under $18.5k, but I haven't found it. Also, they want to buy it next week, so it's not like he can sit around waiting for the right car. This is all pretty tough. So I figure, if I can find a suitable substitute that looks the part but is more plentiful and cheaper, they'd probably appreciate it.
  12. I think he wants a 3rd row, they have 3 kids. Although I'm not sure what use the FJ 3rd row is considering you literally lose the trunk if you use it. Are there any nice compact crew cab pickups with leather seats? I looked briefly for a crew cab Tacoma but didn't see anything nice.
  13. The Highlander would be perfect for them but I can't find any pictures of one that's decked out to look manly enough. I'm guessing it wouldn't pass muster. Thanks for the info, iwashmycar. He seems really set on the FJ and it's not my money, but I think he'd be much happier with the 4Runner if we can make it look the part. He's going to be a total poser, no plans to do any sort of real offroading.
  14. My sister asked me for help finding her husband a car, but I've been given some tough criteria to work with: Under $18.5 OTD Under 100k miles 4WD Can tow a small trailer with two ATVs No domestics (preferred shop is foreign only, supposedly) Must be extremely butch Within 100 miles of their location (in NC) He likes the FJ Cruiser, but they're not easy to find within that price/mileage range. I was thinking 4Runner with some aftermarket wheels/tires and some aftermarket off-road gizmos would be a wiser choice while still putting off the butch vibe that he needs, but even those are way more expensive than I thought. He mentioned XTerras but I haven't really looked into those. I don't think he needs something body on frame, but other than the ludicrously expensive new Cherokee Trailhawk*, I can't think of any car-based foreign SUVs that can pull off a butch appearance. Am I forgetting something? (* foreign? dunno)
  15. In the real world.... the ATF has conceded to reason after listening to public comments and a bipartisan push from congress. I'm sure this won't stop anyone from bunching their own panties in the future, though.
  16. I'm sure the wing is strictly cosmetic, street or track, but that's got nothing to do with it being FWD.
  17. Writing 0s to the drive once is sufficient to make all data unrecoverable. Anything beyond that is based on old technology combined with urban legend. eta: If they're older and you have no way to plug them in to wipe them, you can get some torx bits and dismantle them, remove the platters, and bend them in half. Technically some data could still be read, but it's incredibly unlikely that any actual information would be recoverable, and really, who would bother?
  18. Oh, forgot my main point, which is that mostly I just hate TouchWiz or whatever garbage they put on the phone that's not made by Google. Seriously, every single app I have where I have to use the Samsung "custom" version instead of the Google default is a fucking miserable experience. Just stop it, Samsung, you're not a software company and it shows.
  19. I like the idea of a replaceable battery, and although the S4/5 are plastic, nobody cares when you stick it in a plastic case anyway. I've never understood people who jizz about iPhone build quality and then shove the fucker in an Otterbox. Make it plastic, it's cheaper and then you can get to the battery. On the other hand, I'm going to replace my phone every 2 years regardless, so the battery will only be an issue when I hand them down to my kids. The SD I don't really get, I think I have 32GB in my S4 and I've never come close to filling it up. Music and movies are all streaming, and I'll dump the photo/video contents every 6 months to my computer. I'm not big on pictures, though, I prefer to live in the moment.
  20. I saw rumors of a 4-figure price... that's going to affect my decision, how much Verizon will sell one to me on contract.
  21. Think of it as a Caprice SS that the marketing people decided to butcher.
  22. Not sure what you're asking, but SS is the model name. AFAIK there's no options or variants.
  23. I don't hate it. Well, I hate the wheels, but other than that it's a remarkable kit considering the starting platform. It's a $4,000 car though, at best.
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