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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. No, he went to the media back in April. This "new" story from June, written by PIX11, is the only source I can find saying that the state wants a second evaluation. Without some corroborating source, I'm not buying it.
  2. Nearest I can tell, a more complete story is that some other kid (a bully, if we believe the twirler here) accused the twirler of threatening him with "gun motions." The school, not wanting to be on the hook for liability if said twirler went all Jeremy on the class, removed him from the school while recommending a psych evaluation. Dad gets notice from CPS that his son needs a psych evaluation, gets the evaluation done, runs to the media for his 15 minutes of fame. Dishonest bloggers and shitty journalists twist headlines into link-bait to attract clicks, gets posted on CR because we give a shit about some chubby kid in NJ. eta: Here's a link to the story from 2 months ago, back when nobody rightly gave a shit about it.
  3. Full track was absolute chaos our first session out. I managed a 1:06.199 my second session; traffic is pretty difficult in that configuration so I didn't get any clean laps after that. Best time of the day was something like a 1:03.2. The back section is very unforgiving of quick foot movements. I think it goes without saying, but I really like this place. I can't wait for the tiny tykes track to open up so I can have an excuse to go back more often.
  4. I know, I know. But I'd rather the fastest driver in the fastest car win the WDC than some substandard driver in the fastest car pull some shenanigans and get lucky.
  5. I liked Seb's comment after the race. "They have a hell of a lot of power if they keep staying ahead of Perez with no ERS." I think it's clear that the Mercedes advantage isn't just about power, but it's certainly got to be frustrating dealing with such a massive power deficit. I don't know why, but I'm probably the only person who wants to see Hamilton win the WDC. I know Nico did a helluva job out there with a wounded car, and his qualifying performances are certainly impressive, but his normal race pace isn't up to Lewis'. He fucked Hamilton over in the first corner, and then when Lewis finally got DRS and was able to get past Vettel, probably using all of his saved battery power to close a nearly 3-second gap down to .4 seconds, Nico fucked him over again by a) out-braking himself, and b) turning that into his own advantage by cutting the chicane. And lastly I think that if Lewis had been out in front longer, he might not have suffered his brake failure. I wonder how bad his brakes were, really. Nico's were smoking at one point but they adjusted the car enough that he seemed to get around OK. I wonder if Lewis had limped around for a lap if his brakes would have recovered; maybe a 6th place instead of a DNF.
  6. Yes, there was a DE on the Jefferson circuit - 1 classroom session and 1 track session (15-20 minutes) for $50. I was planning on doing a track day on that circuit in September, but after learning of the lack of guard rails, there's no way. Apparently there was also a wreck on the Main circuit where a Miata went so far into the woods nobody could see it. I don't know how that happens either; I've never driven the Main circuit there.
  7. Instructor dies in raceway crash at Summit Point I'm withholding my commentary until more information emerges. But I did find this: I had a friend there, he wanted me to go but I didn't want to deal with the Hyperfest crowd. This is very sad news.
  8. Disagree. Keep 'em silver.
  9. There's a huge cry to add grip on their facebook page. I hope they don't.
  10. Neat! I'd like to get one in a couple years so that my kids can benefit from growing up in a house with one, much like I benefited from growing up in a house with a computer. I don't know what I'd do with it either, but I think they're cool.
  11. Hulkenburg not getting the Lotus seat was a huge gift to him. Ferrari might have been wise to hire him over Kimi, but other than that I'm not sure he could have ended up anywhere better than he is now.
  12. What jurisdiction? I'm seeing $30 for OSHP.
  13. My wife puts her feet up on the dash when she's in the passenger seat, I wish someone would give her a $130 ticket for that shit because she sure doesn't listen to me when I tell her that the airbag is going to shove her feet into her forehead and break her in half. eta: I'd like to see you fight it just to see what the primary offense supposedly was, but spending $500 on a lawyer to fight a $130 ticket on principle never makes sense.
  14. I mean, what you describe sounds pretty horrible. Seatbelt violations are not a primary offense, cops shouldn't be yelling at anyone over a CCW permit, and your wife crying all night sounds like this must have been a pretty traumatic traffic stop. If all that's true, you need to file a complaint because that cop needs to be disciplined. That's just not acceptable. Or we're not getting the whole story. eta: Actually, does anyone know the law in Delaware county? Local governments reserve the right to make seatbelt violations a primary offense...
  15. Did you watch Monaco? Ricciardo was 4 tenths behind Hamilton at the checker, and had Vettel's turbo not failed I think he could have done even better. I don't think the Red Bulls could have gotten past the Mercs at any point, but it's still early in the season. Others have said it better, but fuel conservation has always been a part of F1. So the fastest lap at Monaco was 4 seconds faster in 2004, but 20 years ago it was 3 seconds slower. The 2014 cars aren't nearly as slow as everyone is making them out to be, and you can't tell me that raw lap times are what make F1 interesting. The cars are undoubtedly harder to drive now, and while the FIA's obsession with rapidly dissolving tires is pretty annoying, most of the changes for this year have been for the better. The fastest lap at Monaco last year was less than 2 seconds faster, but now they're doing it on a fraction of the fuel used, because it's the pinnacle of technology. That's my 2 cents at least.
  16. Bumping this thread, I'm not sure about anyone else but I'm loving this Rosberg/Hamilton rivalry. Rosberg was burning more fuel this weekend and still couldn't pull away from Hamilton; sketchy qualifying and lack of passing opportunities are the only thing that saved him. Oh, and the "I don't care about Ricciardo" irony. Hamilton's got the talent to win, but mentally he's a train wreck. If he loses the WDC to Rosberg this year, it's going to be his own fault. And Vettel's "Come on guys! <pause> I mean, I'm sure you're all doing your best." I actually feel bad for him now.
  17. +1. Great mileage, fun to drive, big cargo area.
  18. Iron Pony wants $117/wheel. For about $90 I can get a stand, dial indicator, and spoke wrench from HF and do it myself. Both options sound miserable. Does anyone know of somewhere that will do it cheap? Or that has had good luck truing wheels with cheap equipment?
  19. As of May 17th, all activities at Nelson Ledges have been suspended. I found this from Reed Kryder: _____________ Everyone, I am trying to get this out before the rumor mill goes crazy. The following is my understanding on what transpired. And what may happen. As most of you know the track surface has been in need of repairs. This past winter was brutal. During the May 3-4 Motorcycle weekend there were some damaged bikes due to loosened pieces of pavement. This MC group has been running monthly events at the track for many years. The head of the club was not satisfied with how Kerrie and Bryan addressed his concerns. (It seems there had also been some disagreements in the past). On May 5 Todd Karom (MC guy) contacted Marv Drucker (track owner) and basically told him his club could not continue to run at the track unless some surface repairs were done. Since he felt he had gotten nowhere with current track management he also told Marv either they go or his club is gone. Marv apparently asked him if he had any ideas on who could take over. He said no. Marv asked Todd if he wanted the job and he accepted it (I am not sure if he really wants it, but he has been active at the track since that 80's and doesn't want to see it closed). On May 6 Kerrie informed me of the change in management. She was not happy and I was in shock. I waited until May 9 to see if anything might change. It didn't. I called Todd (now the manager) and discussed the situation. He knows motorcycles but not cars. He asked Sandi and I for help on the car events. Things are chaotic but it currently looks as if 2014 will proceed as planned. Those of you looking at the website may have noticed the dropping of Fundays. They should be back on the schedule about the time I send this. Regarding the track surface, Todd has a goal of making something (extent?) happen before his June motorcycle weekend. I am trying to organize a meeting (I have Todd's approval) on either May 24 or 25 (Fundays) to discuss 2014 status as well as future years. Let me know if you want details once I have them. My idea is for an open meeting for anyone interested. I do not want it to be a "bitching" session, so don't attend if all you want to do is complain about what is now past history. Otherwise, I welcome ideas. The biggest reason I am sending this is a request to all of you to answer any rumors in a responsible manner if you care about the future of our racetrack. Give 'change' a chance and don't ruin it with negative speculation. There are currently a lot of unknowns, but there may be a silver lining to this cloud. I expect this email (and a couple others) to result in a deluge of emails and calls. I am leaving the country so don't expect any immediate replies. I have an all day meeting in Cleveland on Tuesday and will be in Canada from early Wednesday until very late Sunday. Reed Kryder ps: For many years people have wished someone would purchase the track. From what I hear, Marv may be in a selling mood. Rumor has it he has lowered his asking price. It may still be high, but who knows. ____________ I'm bummed. I had a small crew ready to do both FunDays this weekend. That now appears to be off the table. Anyone have any inside info on what the way-ahead is?
  20. I went last night and dragged a friend along. I was very impressed with the scope of the facility; they're definitely "all-in" on this. The track was very well laid out, with a good mix of corners. It was crowded, so we only got 1 session in (after a 90 minute wait). My best time was a 40.5x, I definitely have a lot to learn with these karts. Damn thing wouldn't turn at all unless I was on the throttle and drifting I'm down for any kind of a CR night; I'd also be interested in setting up a recurring league or something.
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