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Everything posted by BBQdDude

  1. So with varied responses, thank you , I want to restate one factor in my question..... From where the concrete barriers end how long is the wait from THAT POINT?
  2. All things being equal.... Good weather, no wrecks or spills. How long on an average is the wait from where the concrete barriers start to get to the front?
  3. I planned on going the 21st around noon.
  4. Eric, thank you man. Best pointer I got lol. Must have beeeeer!!!
  5. It sure is. Staying on the Canadian side at the Oakes hotel fallview room. Definitely getting drunk, it's a given. Hooker though naaaaw, that is what the hot GF is for lol. I saw a lot of water falls and hiking trails in, damn I can't remember the towns name, about 30 minutes from Niagara so I plan on hitting them. Taking Friday and Monday for a nice long weekend. Taking the Camaro so a perma grin will be on my face.
  6. Kickstands, which i believe now is just called Kicks. Classics is always a fun time.
  7. Staying at the shoe. Found some cool stuff to do but looking for suggestions. REALLY into history and forts/castles. Will be there in early November
  8. I live for 374, always a blast to drive. Forget about 664 lol.
  9. My GF doesn't wear them. She got rear ended a week or two ago. neck hurts, etc.. We go for a weekend trip last Friday. She gets in the car and goes....no seat belt. I gave her a ration of crap for it lol.
  10. Congrats on the wedding . Hotel sounded like a fuck and suck honestly what bummer .
  11. Think about it. The dealership that offered to do it for free.........greaaaaaat PR man!
  12. I can say fully yes. Been there, got bit by that one .
  13. Jeff, i would make that bioootch buy me a new Wiimote!
  14. So that would be a rigger lol?
  15. Think I will still keep the RW&B plate....unless going to a personalized plate.
  16. GFs 2004 Mits. SUV was rear ended today. Looking for a good recommend on the EAST side of Columbus for where to take it.
  17. For seeding when is the best time of the year to ariate (sp?) and seed?
  18. First time on a drag track. Need to workout launching and the 60ft. Best speed was 111. http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg122/BBQdDude/253030_3467018647698_1000168946_n.jpg
  19. http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/25/california-governor-brown-signs-bill-clearing-use-of-driverless-cars/ Didn't see a prior posting on this. Not sure what to think. I know I want to drive my car not sit in my car.
  20. I had fun with my last car purchase. Called first got them down to the range I wanted. Drove in, derove it. Stated X was the best I could do with my own financing. They said nope. Walked, they called two days later saying lets deal. I then stated I wanted a dealer option that ran 1K. They chcukled and said no waay. Next da the call came ....they accepted. I WANTED this car like a $1K hooker HOWEVER I KNEW i could find it on another lot so played games.
  21. Hey, I have a work bud who was SUPPOSED to ring in a helmet for me to use tomorrow at NTR...he flaked. Anyone have one I could pickup tonight and use for tomorrow...PLEASE lol.
  22. Nope, chief Jackson used to drop the flag lol
  23. I always wondered why when a car wash is put in or overhauled they just don't go brush less. It would make the dealer cars stand out more without the swirls.
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