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Everything posted by BBQdDude

  1. I keep trying to get management buy in to upgrade my BES point of presence. They keep talking apple, yadda, yadda, yadda. Now i was told yesterday we are keeping BES/BBs and offering a choice. I was like WTF? I tried to get you to upgrade prior to the units hitting the market. Dumb Fing management here lol.
  2. Sounds good. I can swing by tonight if you want to take a peak or you can post a pic. Your call.
  3. Looking for a kitchen table. Got one?
  4. SigmaTec rocks. Used to take my STI there. On tuning isn't Eric at IPS now? He was the man back when i had my beast.
  5. Thank you. I use a company in NJ for car parts. A friends was asking about a gun and didn't want to ship.
  6. I have sources outside of Oh. I am looking for a local central Ohio company that hydro dips. I googled but cam up empty.
  7. Isn't that link for updating WINDOWS firewall on you local PC? I just disable Windows firewall period.
  8. I ahve seen this car a few times and it is most excellent inside and out.
  9. Just stop talking to her PERIOD. Even if she says hello in the street. Disregard the advice to go over and see what it is about. She has gone past that point. By talking to her now she can claim anything was said to bolster her case.
  10. BBQdDude

    Nasty Swap

    I agree with J that the body is sort of an after thought here. However after reading the guts sure do look sweet.
  11. Sure would and most likely will have to. I have near and far site issues. The far is great but they told me after 5 years up close can start to deteriorate. It is now for me. Also at the time they "balanced" the site for each eye. one far and one close. I want to get both eyes done for both distances.
  12. Yeah I did, I pushed my car and he pushed his car. That 1/4 mile was a biootch but in the end I got it lol.
  13. Whooops typo, that should have been $10. Orion, last months payout was 10% higher at SD I thought?
  14. I might swing by on my way out for the night with the GF. Got to start doing these to put names with faces lol.
  15. Off topic but a fun heads up.... Casino Hollywood, when getting a member cards puts $10 on it. I played that $100 the whole night going up and down. Walke3d away with about $40. Not break the bank but it made for a fun free evening.
  16. I bought the PS3 when it first came out. This time I will wait a little for the price to drop.
  17. Traded in my STI for more than a fair price there and picked up my Camaro from them.
  18. Sorry to read this. I know it can be tough losing a bud like that.
  19. 12 bolt the Camaro. keep having fun with the Miata on autox. Win/win?
  20. I would do about 4-5 coats of VHT. That way it is not too dark. That is where I kept it on other cars. Now on my current one i went the vinyl route.
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