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Everything posted by BBQdDude

  1. Pussy mofos. Ok think you been wronged? Angry at life? Feel dejected? Who the fuck cares. Just wander off in the woods and put a bullet in YOUR and only YOUR head. Stupid, just stupid. SMH.
  2. That must of been a reinforced ceiling man lol
  3. Hey us old dudes still know how to do it lol
  4. Go pickup new GF. Tell her I hid a ring in one of the boxes. If she finds the kill box first, oh well. If she finds the money first, off her and profit :lolguy:
  5. Wish I had the pockets right now. They look awesome .
  6. If I was searching what name would that be under? Hero/hero2/etc? Don't know much about them that is why i am asking.
  7. None here but a few of us go out for a few beers after work.
  8. BBQdDude


    They do have penny slots BUT it is .25 minimum.
  9. GF is doing OD to finish. She just went back last quarter/semester. She took a third shift job and is a walking zombie3. Should take her three more quarters/semesters.
  10. It is all in perspective I think based on your age, income and when you settled down. Nowadays though I ahve to say it is a biotch.
  11. I mentioned I was a member here.
  12. Nice site . Many listings for my part. Came up empty though. Oh well looks like repair it is.
  13. I am proposing....that I get laid and drunk man lol.
  14. Hey, Need to source a driver door for a 2010 Camaro 2SS. Never have done this before. Any tips/thoughts?
  15. I thought in Ohio that CPD and COTA were NEVER responsible if if creating the accident/situation?
  16. Really??? GTFO. I would beat on the service rep for even suggesting that. If it was working before hand they messed something up be it a splice or the system just sucks.
  17. Don't laugh toooo hard. An Altima? I took one to Naigra falls a few weeks ago. Roomy but not huge. Descent pickup. 40MPG freeway. I want to say i got a type S but could be wrong.
  18. So we pay $100 a day lol? Better would have been to make him do community time working with people who have this disability.
  19. BBQdDude

    Drag Slicks

    If only I had the cash . GLWS .
  20. Come out and show some love This Friday come celebrate the release of the CD 2013 Calendar and be among the first to get your copy. $20 each and all proceeds benefit the Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research. Divas will autograph your copy!! Acoustic Steel will take the stage at 8:00 and Headbanger's Hangover will play at 10:00. It's going to be a great night of food, fun and music - You don't want to miss it!! HERITAGE LOUNGE 2087 Baltimore Reynoldsburg rd, Reynoldsburg, Ohio If you aren't able to make it to the party, but would like to purchase a calendar, you can send us an email at ColumbusChromeDivas@yahoo.com, send us a payment via PayPal (ColumbusChromeDivas@yahoo.com) or mail a check to us at Columbus Chrome Divas, P.O. Box 648, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. Cost with shipping is $23. http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg122/BBQdDude/211214_348426381920669_1738619346_n.jpg
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