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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. wow you are lucky...you must not have much on your record
  2. my fiance bought me a droid x...i guess it will be here august 4th...i'm super excited! i had a blackberry pearl over 2 years ago and i used it a lot but was disappointed with it's web stuff...looking forward to something a lot more user friendly i've been using a regular phone for a long time and i'm constantly bitching about wishing i had a phone with internet, especially at the track when we want to look up the weather
  3. i think tech is only between 7 and 8 so you are smart to get their early because there will be tons of cars trying to get teched, plus you can get a good spot to park
  4. we may get a cheap hotel room off of 79...it was $40/night the last time we were up their for a porsche event...i think it's the knight's inn (?) i need my a/c
  5. i got a babysitter so i'll be up on saturday to watch my fiance and friend and other mazda people run their cars...i plan on going to some classes and then driving my (slow ass) versa during the parade lap....i've been driving mid ohio a bunch on iracing watch out! haha! good luck to everyone!
  6. yes, the plain clothes cop totally looked like a pissed off person who just got cut off in traffic ...it actually seemed like when he said he was a cop, he thought to himself, "oh shit, i haven't said i was the police yet" and then he said it.... they are probably pissed about the video making him look bad
  7. hatchback!...my car is more of a minivan...it's about the same size as a mazda5..it's just missing the 3 row seating
  8. my fiance and a friend will be there with a mazda3 and mazdaspeed3 ....i may attend, but i'll be almost 38 weeks pregnant and i don't know if i want to deal with the heat...and i need to get a babysitter...but i want to run some parade laps
  9. i plan on heading up to 161/71 area to watch cars with my daughter go away rain! i can't go tomorrow!
  10. no they're not...they are more expensive! there was a 2L sedan with low miles that i was really looking at and it was like 8K...but i didn't have my tax return yet
  11. the sedans are getting cheaper
  12. i'd totally rock that...i'd love a svt...and that's a 5 door! fun family car would be more fun than my versa hehe
  13. not true...i've know people within the last 5 years to have terrible issues with electrical in their jettas...windows quit working, heated seats stop working, etc....i'm not saying all of them are like that...it's just possible i love vw's/audi's, and would love to rock one....but i worry about dealing with that it is also true to watch out for messed with mazdaspeed proteges...lot's of people probably ran them hard....and when they sell them, they set them back to stock and try and list them as "stock" when they've been trashed....it might be good to try and buy one from someone you "know" so you know the history of it....search the classifieds on mazdas247.com or something like that....
  14. that's interesting about the kroger points, but i don't shop there, either
  15. for $6k for a protege5...it would vary from 80-100K miles and would vary on condition...kind of expensive for the high miles, but i love them you can get a regular protege sedan for way cheaper and with less miles! which is what i was looking for when i was looking for an old mazda (i've looked at a lot of p5's....)
  16. hot hatches are the best....we have a reg. 3 and we can fit all sorts of stuff in the back...dresser, rocking chair, etc! don't diss the hatch!
  17. i would think that the vw's would be more of a money pit due to the electrical isssues it might have but you can always go to mazdas247.com and poke around there (i know i'd love to have a mazdaspeed protege, though!!)
  18. we like shell...had terrible mpg with giant eagle gas...no way would i use that now
  19. i wish that station was closer to us! so out of the way!
  20. the bike's nice, but i think sophia is on to a real bike...good luck selling...thanks again for the lawnmower...can't wait to show my daughter when she gets back from the grandparent's!!
  21. i would check the freon...ours was low and it would run all the time and the lines to the house would freeze...then the blower just quit...called the rental company and they sent an ac guy out and it was only half way filled with freon...so he filled it up and fixed the blower and now it works better than ever and it shuts off now we can also now set it to like 73 or 65 and it will actually stay at those temps instead of just constantly running and never being less than 75
  22. my friend posted that on facebook a while ago...totally crazy
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