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Everything posted by ullBsorry1647545533

  1. S0 $50/hr for tuning....all ya had to say.
  2. So...... where do all you ra-tards get your tuning done and how much? Tuning around here sucks donkey balls and only dynos are mustang dynos like Precision Autosports (where i had my 750 tuned a bit).
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/03-04-GSXR1000-Throttle-Body_W0QQitemZ190363001369QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item2c5284e219
  4. Yes they should have fulltime plow drivers for citys that get snow like that BUT here is the problem....... Ohio schools close and delay for 1-2"s of snow.....last time I checked...cars/trucks were like 6" min (if even that low) from the ground sooooo whats the prob? They're panseys.
  5. Point proven. I moved here from Colo Spgs and we use to go to school when it was pouring snow and RARELY recieved any delays let alone closing the school. It annoys the hell out of me when I wake up in the SPRING/FALL time and see school delays for fog. It snowed 19"s one night when I was in school in Colo...woke up and school was still normal time. Buses were running and people were driving. I hate Ohio drivers too...rain or snow....25mph for them.
  6. This whole state is a bunch of fuckin nancys. Schools already closing last night and 2 hour delays and more schools closed when I wake up in the morning and it isnt even snowing....this is why the ohio school system is ghey and worthless. Closing school and delaying school all the time. Bunch of pussys.
  7. Sounds like a good idea....better safe than sorry
  8. I was thinkin bout a sidewinder but since im going to ride this on the street and prettu much all the time when its nice....i dont think it would be a good option for me to run. Im going more along the lines of the alien head. CR, Tim, my buddy with the busa and handful of others have it on their bike and I like the sound of it and looks. They do fine with it from what i can tell. Ive dragged raced a couple of times but nothing like CR or you or Mike or a pro. Never claimed I was fast or would own you all...but I did say I would run you or the next joe smo b/c its more seat time for me.
  9. I honestly dont care who rides whos bike but when it comes to money runs...the person that OWNS the bike should be the one running the bike. Plus the fact that Mike was actin like a little school girl at the Cincy/Cbus meet last year. Hell I have 2-3 friends that want to run my bike at Kil Kare to see what they can get out of it b/c they have been in the game longer than I have. "More power to you" is what I told them. CORRECTION....Middletown claimed to have the fastest n/a 1k around. Not I or any of my friends.
  10. I was given an extra pair when I bought the 04 and I dont need these. They're just chillin in my garage takin up precious space. Gonna throw them up on ebay for $100 but Ill sell them to someone on here for $75 or someone you know. Cell is 937-477-7510. Name is Bryan. Call/text whenever. If you call then leave a message if I dont answer. http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z52/h22sleeper/tb1.jpg http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z52/h22sleeper/tb2.jpg
  11. Dont rock tapout shit fool.....thats for all the street thugs yo! Awwww you think Im a bitch.....Im torn right now about that. I dont think Ill be able to sleep knowing that. My daughter will grow up to steer clear of the d-bags like you. Ummmm who said all we do is roll race? Your b/fs dick must be hitting you in the head over and over and over b/c last time I checked.....Cincy peeps do the roll runnin. Only reason why I told my bud to say no to the dig race was b/c he has never done a dig, you all wanted to bet like $100 with him, he had a stock length and height 1k (along with the fact he's never done a dig), and you all had a lowered, strapped Busa that you had your super awesome biek racing b/f ride FOR YOU.
  12. Haha riiiiiight. Yeah you might have many other bikes to hop on but you sure as hell wont run faster than a 10. and lolz and the responsible parent comment. Until you know how I am with my personal life and how I am towards my daughter....:gtfo: this is the internet dipshit. Ill only run my mouth in person if someone else is running their mouth first. If no one is running their mouth then it will all be skittles. hahahaha yeah it is easier over the internet....guess its cool i run my mouth in person too if i have to.
  13. yeah....dont really care. yep sure did....dodgin the bullet I see.
  14. I have a Taurus PT 111 Millennium Pro Id be willing to part with. Compact and 9mm. $300
  15. Lol MORE POWER to him.....I might just do that just to see what he'll do.....hardass. I will keep talkin shit bitch...on here and in person. :bangbang:
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