Dont rock tapout shit fool.....thats for all the street thugs yo!
Awwww you think Im a bitch.....Im torn right now about that. I dont think Ill be able to sleep knowing that. My daughter will grow up to steer clear of the d-bags like you.
Ummmm who said all we do is roll race? Your b/fs dick must be hitting you in the head over and over and over b/c last time I checked.....Cincy peeps do the roll runnin. Only reason why I told my bud to say no to the dig race was b/c he has never done a dig, you all wanted to bet like $100 with him, he had a stock length and height 1k (along with the fact he's never done a dig), and you all had a lowered, strapped Busa that you had your super awesome biek racing b/f ride FOR YOU.