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Everything posted by ullBsorry1647545533

  1. Oh yeah....to all you mo fo haterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z52/h22sleeper/gotmilk.jpg
  2. Um hi asshat....i do believe i said when NEXT (well actually this) year comes (warm season) i would run your dumbass and whoever else.... and thank you for quoting me on sayin i back up what i talked...i said i would beat the the mr2 and i did. :gtfo: wanna put money on i do/dont show? "lock it in" shucks. tata short stack haha riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
  3. Its winter time numb nuts...no shit Im not runnin right now.
  4. Ya win some. Ya lose some. Haha look outside....its sleeting idiot. Haha whos tryin to race his bike? So b/c I posted a pic of HIS bike and said HE wants to run to that means Im racin his bike? lolz what a bunch of ra-tards you are. Lolz again. Track Busa against a street bike. :gtfo: I'll run ya for fun...if you want a 500 run then you can run another busa thats set up for the 1/4 and I have a good canidate for you and hes down to run street or strip. Lolz AGAIN. I never said I was runnin my friends bike you dumb fuck. I CLEARLY psoted that HE wants to run too you dumb ass. Good for Mike too.
  5. You really really scare me ya know. R1's suck dick too. Im good on riding the zx10. Hate his bike and the way it feels. You can run him though. He's up for it. FAG! Its a muzzy that he got for free and chopped down. He'll get soemthin different.
  6. I agree thats why its not my bike.....heads up? Figured you retards would want the hit since ya sandbag so much.
  7. Riiiiiight. :gtfo: Yes.....you are. ZX10 wants to do the dig runs now...now that he SET UP FOR DIG RUNS. So get your boytoy to ride the Busa for ya Dover. http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z52/h22sleeper/zx10.jpg
  8. Duh...otherwise I would even post on this non racing website :gtfo:
  9. Riiight. Just have to post it on the right forum.
  10. Dude you could get $2k alone for just the motor and all the things that go with it like the axles and stuff.... Good deal.
  11. Prob talkin bout Dover....hes got a 03/04 Cobra with the Hellion kit...but its in pieces from what people say.
  12. I think you're insurance company just sucks balls and fucks you over. I am NO WHERE NEAR $1100/year with a labeled "superbike".....and the whole age 22 thing...not happenin.
  13. Not true. I had HSBC for my last bike (total regret too using them) and I was much more than $5k and I never once had full coverage. Just liability.
  14. Leave the stock bumper and get the Nismo Racing exhaust for it...thats what I had on my 03 when I had it and it sounded like tits when floored. CLEANNNN Z btw.
  15. Mtown equals Middletown. Shorter for me to type so I say Mtown... They like to hussle slower cars into racing their 7,8,9 sec cars for money....lets put it that way. Cbus hussles....Mtown hussles....good match up IMO
  16. Naw....pretty sure these mtown guys can take you all down. :bangbang:
  17. I think someone who bitches non stop is ghey but hey....thats your thing.
  18. -M-town claims to have the fastest n/a 1k -Cincy bike who beat Dover runs the Mtown bike -Mtown claims stock except slip on, sprocket, lowered and extensions -they run twice....basiclly 1-1 -Mtown still claims to have the fastest 1k around
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