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Everything posted by ullBsorry1647545533

  1. Damn....I guess I just want someone who is willin to take her on walks and such and who is home a lot more than I am...
  2. sorry for the late respones...had a busy day with taxes and work. Gun is sold. thanks though
  3. Lookin to sell this ASAP...no later than Wed otherwise Im keepin it if it doesnt sell by Wed at the latest of this week. Taurus PT 111 Millennium Pro 9mm Compact. Theres been less than 50 rounds through it. Used it for my CCW class. Bought for $350 new from Gander Mtn. http://www.peterpaviagunsales.com/image/TAG60039_9mm.jpg Its just like that one Comes with: -Black carrying case -2 mags -Inside the belt holster (left side) Askin $220 for it. Wantin it gone ASAP. Buyin a Jeep tomorrow and goin out of town this weekend and Id like to have some spending money plus I want a .40 cal for my CCW. lol Call/text me whenever. 937-477-7510. Name is Bryan. Located by Dayton 21+ years of age Ohio Resident NO Felonies!
  4. ICON jacket, shorts, nike shox and mechanics gloves....all Im wearing.
  5. Love the Gap...goin down again this year for the 4th year in a row
  6. I would like a .45 for personal carry b/c if Im gonna have to shoot someone then I want to fuck them up bad. Shit, carry a .45
  7. watch out slowbusa.....new ignition comes in Fri...Im comin for your ass!
  8. Ive been spending my money on alcohol at the moment and not too focused on the bike sooooo http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z52/h22sleeper/bike.jpg Im hunting down a ignition for it at the moment b/c mine is currently bad so there she sits as of last night.
  9. Retards shut down a highway to race then ran from the police.
  10. Removed due to complaints by OP and violation of site rules
  11. Load bearing couldnt be changed so it took 15 min to max out.
  12. Lol and you're basing all this off of how you know me on the interwebz....haha priceless. This is the interweb....I have to keep my e-penis long and hard ya know. Has nothing to do with me. Many of my friends have 1k's and got shitty service. Ones with the Busas....top of the list. :asshole:
  13. Not too fond of Brocks. If you dont own a Busa or zx14 you kicked to the backburner.....previous experience.
  14. Awwww poor baby. Gettin all worked up and pissy over internet shiz nit talk. Am I makin your interwebz penis small or something? Couple people have already PM'd me so sit on it you whiney little girl. Go cry somewhere else. Im actually considering givin someone my business and you wanna bitch. :gtfo: Refer to my advatar please. Im hardcore paco!
  15. ^^^ asking where people get thier stuff tuned isnt asking for help. Its asking a question.
  16. Asking for yours all help? hahahahahahaha yeah um no. :gtfo:
  17. Hahahahahaha well if someone wants to charge me something besides the regualr price then I will laugh and take my business somewhere else. Its not that hard...I'll just get it tuned in May down by Deals Gap when i go down there to ride if i have to. BTW....this is the i-n-t-e-r-n-e-t you moron. and me gettin butt hurt b/c of someones respones on here...lolz
  18. Mmmmmm well guess we"ll see if Im done and put back together by then. Prob wont be but we'll see. And enter sarcasm........here. :gtfo: blow me. What you gonna do....hurt me?
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