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Everything posted by ullBsorry1647545533

  1. No..you just basiclly got owned on CSS with everyone telling you no one cares.
  2. Depends what everyone wants...most here run heads up for 1320 ft. SOMETIMES..one gets the hit if mods arent even between bikes.
  3. Who knows...my 6 month old daughter has my attn right now so Im in no hurry to hurry up and finish it. I have 6 months to get it all done.
  4. Im down...just gotta try and remember that when I try and log back in for a e-penis session.
  5. I know right? I got this shit all day long.....Im the Forest Gump on the e-penis shit talkin. :asshole:
  6. Im tryin....I want me e-penis to go very very large
  7. hahahaha you started a thread about this drama? lolzlolzlolz..they ALL know what went on when I first joined you dumbfuck. HAHAHA oooook. Yep...Im scared.
  8. Damn your on a roll with some weak ass putdowns/comebacks. Sorry chump but I had no'z rust and lol claimed it was a n/a low comp motor? It was you idiot. Call Zerolift In Cincy and ask them...they built it. It was built for boost...never boosted it moron. Lost interest and sold it before I could boost it....dipshit....aww I should kill myself? Such hateful words and why should I be scared of you? I dont see a reason why. Enlighten me please.
  9. Whatever you want to...this is my SN on CSS and I made up this name to stir up shit when I joined CSS b/c of some shit talking they were doin...I did quite well i might add. 90+ pages on my intro thread...was shootin for 100 but the dust settled before it could reach that. Sounds like a plan stan! Deff not you.
  10. What o...bustin out the name callin... You want my name? Take me out on a date sweetie. Sweet sandbagging.... Well so none of you sweet pro racers get in any more trouble...runs at a track would be for in order which means 1/4 racing. You all ride/race in 20* weather...most people dont here...have other better things to do so in REALITY...this wouldnt ever happen till spring/summer and most everyone here wants to know what the bikes are and such which none of you will tell cuz sandbagging is your alls middle name. It was an example you idiot.
  11. 11 years is long enough to me.....and yeah I actually have pushed myself on a bike whether its straight line, sit down/stand up/at a track or on a road liek Deals Gap...Ive dragged knee and scraped foot pegs plenty of times...just because I havent laid down a bike doesnt mean I havent pushed myself hard enough. Wait...I dropped the 04 Sat night in the garage when I was lifting it up on the rear stands b/c the bolt broke...there ya go. 04 has been laid down by me.
  12. Sure...seeing how Ive never laid one of my bikes down. Saaaarcasm
  13. yep, bike has frame sliders.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DARsTJkqBXs
  14. Mmmm avoiding what? Avoiding the fact that you retards wanted to run tonight when its gonan rain and the roads are wet? Thats bout as smart as shutting down a HWY to dragrace...oh wait..you all did that too. Fook Im glad you have buddies down in Cincy...give yourself a slap on the back and give them one too. I dont make it a point to impress anyone..deff not on columbustalking (as you informed it) or CSS.
  15. I prefer sliding rather than drag thank you.
  16. Im scared...will you hold my hand if we set somethin up?
  17. Haha wow people from COLUMBUS dont like me.... shucks I dont see how Im wasting your time...none of you really run anymore..I mean..isnt what this whole thread was about...how no one runs anymore? Maybe I should move to Cbus...it'll make my ego inlarge and internet penis double in size...hellz to the yeah. guy on the right must be you cuz my god you're ego is huuuuuuuuge and you're even baller enough to take the shirt off http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z52/h22sleeper/ichstun.jpg
  18. My god you are an idiot and dont remember shit. #1--none of my friends hang out with the middletown "crew" where they all run every night of the week/weekend. #2--while in Cincy I said we can all go to Middletown b/c thats where they are at..no one went. Not my problem. Thats yours. #3--told them exactly what you butt pirates said "lets run tonight" there response: -lol, have u been outside? -clutch is apart -look at the weather channel...its gonna rain -nope gonna rain -bikes bein ripped apart -riiiight And I saw again...YOU ARE A MORON...I did not know and BARELY know the kid as of now that was on the gsxr1k from Cincy and we made that PERFECTLY clear while we were all in a circle yellin like little bitches back and forth and watchin Mr Clean freak out. You beat the "inexperienced kid"? ummm pretty sure it was 1-1 and neither of you did a 3rd run with each other HOWEVER...the "inexperienced kid" said he would be more than willing to run you from a dig/roll/what the f**k ever....so there ya go...theres your 3rd run with him.
  19. Really? Find the post where I said what my brothers mothers fathers cousins neighbors step dads first cousins boss will run on thier bike....get your facts right too chump...I wasnt the one runnin for money. It was mr clean on his girls bike against a zx10....kept the money in my friends pocket for commen sense reasons. Lowered, strapped Busa vs stock height/length zx10 with an inexperienced rider.
  20. Funny....just did http://www.weather.com/weather/local/45414?lswe=45414&lwsa=WeatherLocalUndeclared&from=searchbox_localwx
  21. Lol please explain this to me...I would like to hear it. And where do you live again? Not by me...you lose but if you idiots want to run tonight then I will forward the message and see what they say.
  22. Yeah...tryin to run 8s, 9s or 10s with a bike on wet pavement in an excuse....guess common sense and intelligence comes after risking your life. So so sorry...had them mixed up. Yeah I talked bout runnin in Cincy when you all came down...then I did run...wait, guess I wasnt suppose to run if I do what you say I do...damn...everything is just ass backwards now isnt it.
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