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Everything posted by LS_Sonoma

  1. LS_Sonoma

    LSx guys

    When the house is done being built, I will be inviting you over for a beer.
  2. thread killer right there. THANKS
  3. Right now its at 4.72%. I have a 60 day window to lock in starting today on new construction. Do you guys think I should ride it a couple of weeks? I think the rate will go lower over the next couple of months due to it being summer and that damn ole' recession. Thanks in advance.
  4. and the vehicle is a bazillion times lighter right with better handling? f'in win.
  5. if its a tube, you can sever it and twist/roll both new ends with needle nose pliers to seal it up. Just remove the fins around the affected area for room to roll a couple times. while the vehicle is cold is preferable lolz.
  6. Anyone have a good lead for a place that can help me out? Stock S10 4.3 width two to three core with LS1 inlet outlet. Thanks in advance.
  7. LS_Sonoma

    LSx guys

    Is your stuff mandrell bent? If so, where did you get it done?
  8. LS_Sonoma

    LSx guys

    2.5" is pretty effin big. Especially X2. Now there are scenario's (F-Bodys) where alternate exhaust configurations are needed due to physical limitations. There's a real great exhaust thread on LS1tech by PatrickG...I'll try to find it for you.
  9. LS_Sonoma

    LSx guys

    Im doing a dual setup with Magnaflows. 2.5" in and out.
  10. I would have set the glass on the block and put the pistons in the block with no rods at various heights. just imo. cool table.
  11. Word. Im going to sell them and get some stockers with the Comp Cams trunion upgrade.
  12. bawahahwa ahahhah aheht teh theh heh teh.
  13. much better that the corvette boats even if only a dream. http://www.malibuboats.com/boats/corvette
  14. good looking spread. You can do alot with the layout of the lot. Congrats.
  15. Haters gonna Hate http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/SilentSoldier/dover.jpg
  16. yeahs away: a time in the not so close future or the act of speaking the word "yeah" multiple times to achieve a pre set destination. fucking unicorns.
  17. LS_Sonoma


    teh heh heh heh he
  18. LS_Sonoma


    fukt = ohio drivers lolz
  19. If the buyer backs out on the intake let me know. Also, Id love to have the complete heads if you can get them.
  20. I like the V2 cam and the HPE C cam that someone mentioned earlier.
  21. http://www.vandamboats.com ownz all your boats
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