Right now its at 4.72%.
I have a 60 day window to lock in starting today on new construction. Do you guys think I should ride it a couple of weeks?
I think the rate will go lower over the next couple of months due to it being summer and that damn ole' recession.
Thanks in advance.
if its a tube, you can sever it and twist/roll both new ends with needle nose pliers to seal it up. Just remove the fins around the affected area for room to roll a couple times.
while the vehicle is cold is preferable lolz.
2.5" is pretty effin big. Especially X2. Now there are scenario's (F-Bodys) where alternate exhaust configurations are needed due to physical limitations. There's a real great exhaust thread on LS1tech by PatrickG...I'll try to find it for you.
yeahs away:
a time in the not so close future or
the act of speaking the word "yeah" multiple times to achieve a pre set destination.
fucking unicorns.