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Posts posted by a7x1990

  1. Does it accept mods easily? and how in need of a tune up is it?


    Let me know if you're interested in the following.


    Half a bottle of aquafina

    full trial size can of axe body spray.

    busted zippo lighter (good for parts)

    Big League Chew (Grape flavor)

    2 lug nuts (not sure what they're to?)

    And a back rub by yours truly.


    eh what kind of mods?

  2. same with dragway 42. i like 42 never been to kil kare so i cant really say which one is better of the 2 but it seems as if alot of tuners go to that track. something im a fan of.


    you can always join:D


    join what? the trip to kil kare?

  3. its art. thats how they like to express themselves and dont care what others think of them. I got mad respect for them. id do it to if i didnt have interests in racing and automotive scene. i just dont think id go as far as tattooing my face or those guages in the last one but. id probably enjoy a few spikes in my nuckels... it just wouldnt fit my look though. the first one on your second post is my favorite.
  4. Is anyone going to be out tomorrow (friday) if so, where? Also, saturday is opening day at kil kare raceway if anyone wants to go. I think a few people from chillicothe are heading over to attend. Its pretty empty on opening day so you dont have to wait 2hrs to make a pass. Weather in Xenia is calling for clouds and 67 but the rain is going to hold off until later in the evening.




    same with dragway 42. i like 42 never been to kil kare so i cant really say which one is better of the 2 but it seems as if alot of tuners go to that track. something im a fan of.



    Id like to see that Evo of yours. if you still have it.
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