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Posts posted by a7x1990

  1. http://autos.yahoo.com/auto-shows/geneva_auto_show_2010/1320/Porsche-918-Spyder-Concept






    Hybrid and Electric. Interesting.


    Not real sure if this was posted before. I didnt see it.

  2. true 2 form is pretty expensive, which is why im trying to get on with them. how much of a crease is on the outer edge? if you have no luck here try looking up dent magic cant really give a review on them since i haven't heard anything from them. i am assuming they are good. However with any paintless dent repair you still run into the chance of having the paint crack and moisture getting in and causing rust to form even if you cant see the paint cracking. Just my $0.02 take it for what you want.
  3. I learned it at LCT last year... id have to look up all the settings though. Im with you on the knowlage level however after 2 practice pieces i got it down.


    Check the local career centers (vocational schools). A lot of them will run evening adult ed classes. TIG might not be on the curriculum, but be nice to the teacher and they'll probably take care of you. If you can't find anything in Columbus let me know and I'll check with our welding teacher.


    Was cool talking with you at the Easyrider show. I stopped by the booth sunday morning.


    and what school do you go to?

  4. heres an idea... drive there find a gas station before you get to the location fill up all the way. do the cruise then youll be fine for the first round. and then some. you know id definatly go if my car was fast enough. did they say anything about the speed limit on the cruise? or is it balls out?
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  5. +1 Not real scared of the kitchen, lately been making breakfast for myself after I get off work. Now I'm kind of wanting to cook other thing. I'm defiantly going to try that salmon. and most of those ingredients I already have. Thanks alot. got any ideas for eggs? or other breakfast foods?
  6. ehhhh try at lowes. they might direct you to the lighting isle(dont ask). just show them a picture of it and be sure to ask the young guys. there good with all the electrical items. oh and in that rare chance you get the guy that knows what your talking about... just try keep a straight face.



    just outta curiosity, what makes you wanna go back that far?

  7. So my friend has the T-Mobile G1 Phone and obviously has google maps. however when i go to download the same app for my phone some features can not be found.


    For instance.. His phone has the ability to look into the solar system/Outerspace, Find where the police are located at that point in time.(pretty accurate) and.. he has street view. the only ability i have is Aerial view with the satellite view or just map view. is there any apps i could download that is similar to the ones mentioned above?

  8. i hate the tint law and plate law i got stopped once for no tint back in the day on my Honda they said i had to peal it off or they would write me a huge ticket so i pealed it off. as for the RX-7 ive been pulled over for no front plate and they went into going as far as trying to give me a ticket for tinted tail lights but they are factory. if you know what your talking about cops have to leave you alone because they realize that their ass will get handed to them in court.


    I wasnt aware having tinted lights was illegal... from what iv been told, as long as you are able to see the brake lights or head lights this was allowed.

  9. try this.. pull out the end of the switch after you turn on your lights. if it pulls out but they don't turn out, then your multi-function switch is bad. at least for the fog lights.


    have a pt cruiser, pretty much same interior components..



    and the positive would be the area where the colored wire is coming out of, and ground is black.

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