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Posts posted by a7x1990

  1. I have a nail in one of them and both are pretty bald and i would like to get some gently used ones instead of new ones. the size im looking for is 205/?/17


    * i have the question mark because i have 50 series but if someone has something lower like 50-30 id take them.

  2. is there a model number on the back of the neck around the head... that could help it a little if its like #20 or something. Still its a nice guitar. Clean it up and find a nice case for it unless you have one already. If you have the time, learn to play it.
  3. just bondo that shit




    Na that's why I'm doing it this way. last idiot did that and it fell out. pissed me off when it did too. Don't you see those holes? that metal is pretty thin anyways so it will rust out sooner or later....... so im doin it the right way this time. it isn't that hard. and plus it will help my portfolio when a potential employer looks at my application.

  4. So Iv been waiting for the cold weather to stop so i can start working on my car. Here is one of the first steps. Repairing the driver side rear quarter.


    Im going to be cutting out the piece that needs repaired and weld in a better pice. The pics are kind of shitty since its from a instinct. but it should give you a good idea.


    heres some pics of what Iv done so far.



    this is the replacement piece im going to weld in. this is before I cleaned it up




    heres the new pice after i cleaned up a few areas and primed a few areas





    thats all for now...

  5. you could go to a salvage yard and try to find a working one? i did see they have casset players on cructhfield but no cd player comes with it... or


    hit up LKQ they might have a known working one. they are off of Proveport road and Hamilton road in Groveport. on the south corner oppisite from the wendys.

  6. [quote



    Me and one other buddy took down most of the half gallon bottles of Jager one night just hanging out (the ones that come with a fucking pump) and I ended up hugging a sink for, literally, 4 hours drinking water and vomiting it back up. Fuck you jager. The only way I can take it to this day is in a "starry night" mixed with Goldschlager.


    eh i killed a whole bottle of that in like 2 hours by shots. ya i payed for it later that night. the thought of it right now makes me wanna upchuck but if im already drunk after a few(10) beers ill probably go for it..... that goldschlager is pretty good but id rather buy schlager with out the gold. dont really fancy drinking gold flakes..

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