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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Harlem he grew up in EAST Harlem. not a black neighborhood. it was Latino.
  2. i just wish he could have made more music, i know he had more to say! there just isn't many people that can make make multi-syllabic rhymes so smooth and effortlessly. i swear emenim is the only other one I have heard come close. maybe i don't know about someone i should, but none of the above mentioned do it. and kayne as a lyricist is LAUGHABLE. he is a great producer, but not a lyricist if that's what we are talking about.
  3. NO DOUBT.... right?? I don't understand how people don't give him respect. i STILL pop in a biggie album every couple months. flow is untouchable.
  4. i agree with your other post about rap in general, besides that fact some how didn't mention biggie as one of the best to ever do it. but, pac WAS an actor before rapper. wasn't he? he didn't grow up in the hood....fact! all i am sayin is, in like 89 - 90.. he was NOT a thug he was a fucking actor and BACKUP DANCER, then all of a sudden boom, turned thug. sure, at that point he maybe went hood but, he didn't grow up in it. he choose to be it after he already had money from digital underground and acting. he talks about everything he saw after he ALREADY WAS RICH. and just visited the ghetto, a place where everyone looked at him as a king or whatever, cause he was semi famous. i don't really call that experiencing the ghetto, and being all about what he raped about. he was in his early to mid 20's before doing ANY TYPE of ghetto shit. so therefor, actor turned rapper. he took on that ghetto persona. he didn't grow up in it. yeah, this sounds like thug life... So again, he was in good even private schools. Did theatre and what not in school, and then was a back up dancer directly after. that doesn't sound like the youth of a THUG.
  5. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vPeL-rnev2o/Rx5M_pA8PhI/AAAAAAAABIc/iNq7aMWiv58/s320/tupac+juice.jpg pre thug - actor turned rapper. i think he thought he was still the character from the movie after it was done. i think shuge helped him become a gangster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFr8WngrFpI - non thug - to thug
  6. ^ not so much. i am into EDM more than anything, but can appercaite greatness. eh, tupac was a an actor turned studio gangster. he was good at writing poetry.
  7. Yeah, back in Biggie's day these wanna be rappers now-a-days can't compare. the songs now have like 10 different hooks, and 1 and 2 line verses... are you kidding me?? and in all that u don't mention Eminem? cause he at the very least should make that wack top 5 u listed. Wayne I can agree with, but to not put eminem in that list is just plain racist. Wayne is the ONLY one that could compete in that list. Have you ever listened to Biggie Smalls? wow. you are like brain washed with top 40 or some shit.
  8. The whole swagger "movement" is RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Swagger this, Swagger that. stupid. no way. Biggie Smalls is the greatest rapper of all time. and... Eminem is the GREATEST RAPPER ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! imo
  9. 04silvrz


    There have been lots of stories of crazy shit going down with fake stories. people in jail
  10. one reason I like Forza over GT is... YOU CAN ACTUALLY PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!
  11. does anyone know if u need a helmet if you run lower than 13.99 at this track?? and pants and sleeves I am guessing?
  12. make an effort to learn how to do things with your other hand. it's possible to train yourself, just takes time and patience.
  13. good story. least all is well, stupid wild animals.
  14. my collar bone and arm were broke on my right right, i damn near became ambidextrous. i could pretty much do EVERYTHING with my left. just took some practice.
  15. now that, makes me sick to my stomach... wow. i hope those guys are PAID!!!!!!
  16. i will be down later! last show of the year for me! STOKED!
  17. shit if you tag a Canadian chick, trick her into marrying you. free insurance for life!
  18. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs688.snc4/62800_1459123076444_1184415665_31096138_5437559_n.jpg by my house..
  19. yikes. already done, thank god!!! hail sucks.
  20. plan on sitting at a table for long periods of time, take your time with decisions. don't get to drunk at the table, tip the dealer if you win big. i hope u are going deeper than Windsor. Windsor SUCKS! i have more fun at the river boat and Indian casinos.
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