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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. 04silvrz

    Root Droid X

    So... who here has rooted their android device? I was wanting to do it to get rid of the bloatware on my shit. But, i don't wanna fuck up the reliability of my phone.
  2. what are people using on android for movies?
  3. obviously mistyped, but... thanks... :gtfo:
  4. challenging someone to a $20 race.... loosing then not paying up.
  5. yeah, i have been to that track one other time. and I paid the full fee, it is the cheapest track around already, that's even better you guys were able to get a reduced price. can't wait, will be signing up when i get paid next week!
  6. very very cool... think i am defiantly in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't beat that price!
  7. skunks are not domesticated pets.
  8. ^ that. OMFG. that made me sick to my stomach.
  9. 04silvrz

    Droid root ???

    yeah, i am not fucking with shit cause it should be coming down any day now!!!
  10. 04silvrz

    Droid root ???

    aren't they supposed to release 2.2 any day now?
  11. has the thread starter been back at all?
  12. 04silvrz

    Droid root ???

    i just got my droid x today!!!!!! W000000000000000000000TTTTTT!!!!11111
  13. give it a half a season. 20 bucks, any takers?
  14. who cares who does what, what does who. it's a internet forum with an general topic of people with automobiles that wanna go fast. it should be a place to meet people like yourself, not to make fun of or bitch about people because they don't do this or that. haterz gonna hate.
  15. can't wait to see the collection. we should arrange a convoy for the way down! meet up somewhere on the west side!
  16. i am in for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. i hope someone got a photo of the orange 1970s Datsun 240
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