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Everything posted by C-Mart

  1. This thread is making me want to steer away from a project car to a 911. Must. Stop. Looking.
  2. They look great on every generation mustang since the fox body, but I have not seen them on anything older.
  3. I wonder how these would look on a restomod classic stang...
  4. Let me know if you do this. I could get you pricing on prints.
  5. The Duster is a Cleveland car. The owner can drive - he will be fine.
  6. Thanks! I am not 100% local I live in Milwaukee, but my company is headquartered there and make my way back at least every 2-3 months. Shipping is easy with these especially when not framed.
  7. Posting a quick update on this, I have not had as much time to mess around with this printer as I would have liked, but the little I have done I have learned a lot. I have to print with it weekly to keep the printer heads fresh so last night I decided to go big. Most people will recommend 300 dpi minimum. Some go down to 150 dpi for canvas, but as I was curious to see what my printer would do on a low DPI and max quality settings - the below is printed @ 67 DPI. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o715/CraigMartens/DSC_0212_zpsd9747824.jpg http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o715/CraigMartens/DSC_0217_zps9ff7a317.jpg http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o715/CraigMartens/DSC_0220_zps7be521e5.jpg http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o715/CraigMartens/DSC_0224_zps0848f752.jpg http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o715/CraigMartens/DSC_0225_zpsc63b9661.jpg http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o715/CraigMartens/DSC_0226_zpsa2aaaf27.jpg Excuse the bad photography and lack of a frame. Total size is 36" X 80". The printer can handle 44", but I used a 36" roll. I put a green sticky note next to it for size reference and tried to zoom in for some detail. Short and skinny is the print came out amazing. This machine keeps impressing me. I will be sponsoring this site in a few weeks when I have some time to tie up a few loose ends, but I am really excited to make some frames and prints for the people on this board. Let me know if you have any questions.
  8. This is 5 minutes from my parents house and where 10+ of my college friends went to high school. Apparently the only confirmed dead right now is the shooter.
  9. I PM'd an mod on this, but did not hear back. I am willing to be a sponsor so if you are reading this and a mod feel free to reach out to me. I looked at several sites and I am willing to do some prints for people @ $.10/sqin including depth. For example an 11 X 14 with a 1.5" frame would be 13 X 17 so $22.10 + actual shipping. I am still trying to figure out the best way to ship these, but feel free to PM me with any specific questions. If you are looking for a print with no boarder I can go cheaper. From the sites I have seen this is about 50% off.
  10. I hadn't planned on that as I was more looking for information on these things, but I would happily sponsor the site if some sales came from it. Can an admin PM me information on that? As for price I am still ironing out a costing model, but I think a good starting point would be finding a site that did something similar and knocking 20-30% off their cost. I should have something put together by this weekend.
  11. Thanks for the responses all. For the record I moved from Columbus within the last year, but am still in town about once a month. So either me driving/flying them in or shipping them would be the options. Damreds - Are you looking for gallery wrapped or just printed? Diamonds - Just let me know what you are looking for. Most people take professional pictures of their work to have reprinted. You have helped me with stuff in the past so I'll happily repay the favor. Doc - Also just let me know. 3'X20' is definitely in the capability range, but getting the resolution right is where the work will need to be done. You seem to help a lot of people out here so I would be happy to help you out.
  12. So I ended up buying this thing and it is BIG. Way bigger than I was expecting it to be, but I think I got a pretty good deal on it. I am looking forward to learning the ropes on it. If anyone needs some large prints made (42" is the limiting height and it can go as long as 300') cars/photography/etc let me know if I will hook you up with a CR price.
  13. I was thinking shiny paper not vinyl. Ill look into it. CIS seems to be the way to go though, especially if the thing is running some serious hours. I still need to find where to find/buy high resolution images. Is there a DPI I want to stay above to keep the quality where it needs to be?
  14. Is CIS something I can convert the current to? I know it can do vinyl as well, but I have always liked the canvas wrapped look and thought it was a growing market. Vinyl is more for posters, not something I want to hang in my place.
  15. Is this market over saturated or is there money to be made making canvas prints for people? Everything I have been reading about the printer in question says it is great quality and really efficient on ink, but it is a few years old so I am not sure how it stacks up to the brand new stuff.
  16. I have the opportunity to pick up a HP Z3100 which is a 42" large format printer. I have been meaning to get some large canvas prints for my new loft and I will be paying less for this thing than a few of them would cost. It comes with a few extra ink cartridges and canvas rolls. Canvas printing/stretching seems pretty easy. Does anyone have experience with this printer? I don't need museum quality, but would like them to be presentable. Is canvas stretching as easy as it looks? Can any basic DSLR take photos that would look good at say, 48-60 inches?
  17. Bring her down to Milwaukee!
  18. This is going to my buddies hot rod shop if I don't get what I want out of it.
  19. I can get them for you. You stopped by my place to pickup the racing seat sometime back. You can go check it out if you want.
  20. PM me your number. I am on conference calls until ~6 your time, but can call after that.
  21. Resurrecting this guy. I moved out of state and kept it with a buddy, but he may be moving soon and I don't want to have to bother him with moving it. I will accept a reasonable offer on this. Buyer must be able to transport. Located in Victorian Village.
  22. You are looking at ~650 lb piece of steel. You'd be lucky to find something for $.25/lb so don't expect 'too' good of a deal.
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