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Everything posted by C-Mart

  1. I'm sure I'll get sick of the 4.10 rear, but until I come up with a suitable replacement I'll need it.
  2. Motor is 98% wired. Working on the ECU/EWS now. In the mean time I came across a great deal on some sticky tires. I need to decide what to do with the AC Schnitzers, but for now function wins out over form.
  3. C-Mart

    GOP 2016

    U mad? It is obvious your mind is made so arguing as rather pointless. I'll say this before bowing out and relying on PM for questions... You are taking one of the most complex problems that we have been trying to solve for several millennia and trying to solve it with a basic example. People much smarter than you and I have landed on each side of the fence. It isn't just lowering taxes it is lowering government restrictions of all kind. Socialism has never worked and it never, for prolonged time, will. Capitalism has done in 200 years what others weren't able to do in 1000s despite being true capitalism. "So let's look at the three typical classes of Americans: 1.) Rich people have pretty much everything they want or need already. 2.) Middle class people have everything they need but not everything they want. 3.) Poor people do not have everything they need or want." Besides the fact this isn't close to accurate, it isn't just about rich people. Small business (not corporate CEOs), without structure, stockholders they are legally liable for, and the ability to change quickly, are the ones spurring most of the innovation. Off the top of my head... Multiple choice question one: Out of those three classes of people, in whose hands should money be placed in order to drive demand? - Demand is driven by supply (since wealth can be created and people work harder if they want something) so there should be an environment that allows people to take chances on new innovation. Though my initial answer is the upper/middle class, once poor people are working, which is something missing in the current economy, the poor wouldn't exist, or would be able to create things of their own. Multiple choice question two: If you just cut personal income tax, to whose pockets will money flow? The money would flow to the people who have proven they can create/sustain wealth (upper/middle class) instead of giving it away to people who cannot. These people will create products and drive economy. Multiple choice question three: If you increase income tax, reduce sales tax, and raise wages into whose hands will money flow? Initially money will REDISTRIBUTE form the rich (who have proven they can create and sustain wealth - again remember this isn't a 0 sum game) and go to the poor. Money redistributed to the poor does not solve anything as we see far too often in the case of lottery winners. Instead of GIVING which is a short term answer to a long term problem we should show people that hard work pays off - whether in this generation or the next.
  4. C-Mart

    GOP 2016

    Yes I believe in the Laffer curve. It isn't debatable, it simply states that for every amount of revenue amount collected by the government there are two tax rates they can collect to do so. At 0% and 100% they will collect $0 and everything in between. Supply side is more of the economic belief and I believe in that too. It stimulates innovation just as socialism stimulates stagnation. I will admittedly have to do some research on this, as I am a business consultant not an economist and my history isn't where it should be. I will say though that a rising tide lifts all boats. It is easy to look back at a time and say that it was good, but could it have been better? I can give you many examples of when cutting taxes drove the economy. I can give you many more of when socialism/communism killed economy, and tens of millions of men, women, and children. There are several flaws in your argument. It isn't just about 80" TVs and 70" TVs, but nokia brick phones and iPhone 6s - things people never thought they could need, want, or could even exist. Yet, you don't just need to compete with the best and greatest. Your personal example of not wanting a free 70" TV doesn't hold water, even if true, considering 99% of the population would take a 70" TV - even if they didn't NEED it they would find a use for it if cheap enough. A large problem with your thought process is that there is no such thing as equilibrium. Things are constantly changing and we have no way to know what is coming next. How many less jobs would there be without the iPhone, beats headphones, turbochargers, etc, etc, aka things the normal person, even the smartest of people, could never think of or expect to be invented? Things that would never exist in socialism or in an economy where people didn't take chances. Wealth can be created. It is not a 0 sum game IE when one person wins that does not mean someone else loses.
  5. C-Mart

    GOP 2016

    Rand and a lot of Libertarians have foundational beliefs not personal opinions. That is why it is hard for the mainstream to understand them without a lot of screen time(the debates I mentioned before). It is easy to say we should not discriminate against anyone, and also the way I live my life for the record. It is harder, however, to say that anyone should be allowed to do anything that does not hurt others and to let the market decide in the private sector. I do not believe Rand is racist in any way and to say that he has constructed this platform as a way to refuse service to a class of people is your opinion. I would argue it with the fact that he is in Haiti performing pro bono eye surgeries to the poor, something he has been doing for decades. Your vaccine topic is, again, a good point. There are children who cannot get vaccines (some types of childhood cancer) and when parents do not vaccine they put those kids at risk. I get that and agree with you. Employment... Any company, private or public, should have incentives to hire the best person for the job. In the private sector it is life or death for the company. If my competition only hired WASPs I would be able to blow them out of the water with a better pool of candidates. I hate race driven decisions, especially in places like police and fire fighters. I want the best/smartest/strongest person to save me from a fire not someone who fits that areas demographics. This is what it comes down to for me: Do I agree with the 'you should be able to serve whoever you want' in theory? Sure. Is it on my top 100 priority list of what we need to fix? Not even close. Shutting down the IRS with a flat tax, getting on the right side of the Laffer Curve by cutting taxes, promoting innovation by dropping regulations and bureaucracy ultimately bringing good jobs to Americans, incentivizing US companies to stop dumping money off shore, stopping wealth redistribution, and fixing immigration are what I care about, and ultimately will decide my vote. And for the continuation of vigorous debate - cheers.
  6. C-Mart

    GOP 2016

    "I don't like the idea of telling private business owners -- I abhor racism. I think it's a bad business decision to exclude anybody from your restaurant -- but, at the same time, I do believe in private ownership. But I absolutely think there should be no discrimination in anything that gets any public funding, and that's most of what I think the Civil Rights Act was about in my mind." This is an article I found that I believe you are referring to. I see how this comes off, but in the same article he says he abhors racism. In theory he is correct, especially with how quick information travels now-days (social media). If I found out my favorite steakhouse didn't serve XYZ race I would no longer support them, many others would follow suit and they would go out of business. I believe this to be more of an idealistic personal freedom philosophy than him wanting certain races to be discriminated against.
  7. C-Mart

    GOP 2016

    Education - Our system is broken. National education does not seem to be the answer rather locally run 'charter' type schools that put the responsibility of outcomes in the hands of the community it affects. We continue to throw money at the problem and the problem continues to grow. Radical? Sure, but there are plenty of cases of charter schools in terrible areas out performing high cost private schools in upper class areas. Marijuana - I could care less. Frankly, I don't think it should be legal until we find a way to objectively test for it like we do alcohol. Small Govt - He is more extreme than most. Abolish IRS with a flat tax, his stance on the NSA, getting government out of the marriage business, basically he wants to audit and review every federal agency to see if they are needed. Sure small govt is a buzz term right now, but nobody wants to tackle it like Rand. Vaccines - Agree with you on that one. Civil Rights - This is news to me. What private sector discrimination are you talking about? Are we having a political discussion on CR without name calling and physical threats? Twilight zone type stuff here.
  8. C-Mart

    GOP 2016

    Out of the pack, who else (Trump not included) isn't the same old Republican we have seen for decades? Sure Rand has a Tea Party affiliation, but he will be able to destroy whoever he debates. On the cover his ideas on small government may not speak to your typical democrat, but he doesn't talk feeling he talks facts. He will pull the right like every other R, but will also pull a lot of independents who are tired of the same old D/R candidate.
  9. C-Mart

    GOP 2016

    Bernie Sanders is an admitted socialist. The only thing worse than full fledged government socialism is socialism light without great economists and purposeful manipulation. I will be very surprised if Hillary gets the D nomination. She has a lot of skeletons and I think the Rs are holding back on things to draw the scandals out. Trump isn't done yet. He will get bigger before an almost inevitable implosion. Like others have said I like the 'idea' of what he is doing, but instead of picking his fights he is unnecessarily going after everyone (Megyn Kelly). Cruz and Walker are too far right to get elected. I can't say I agree with everything Rand does, but his message is constant and he won't change his tune if he gets into office. He also has the best chance of pulling some left votes. Rand 16
  10. Wondering if I could get this to work for my 540i.
  11. Down pipes fabbed up. Waiting to do the rest until my hangers come in the mail. It is straight piped with gutted cats. Hoping it isn't too loud. Will add an inline muffler if so. Also need to figure out how to trick the secondary O2 sensors. Either find a way to tap into the original with an inline resistor or buy some of those extended bungs with a small hole so it thinks the cats are there and doing there jobs. Fitting the radiator and removable radiator support. Thought this was a cool picture. I have some stuff for the wiring in the mail so I will be able to get a start on that once it arrives. Motor is back out to do some work on the remote booster and make the wiring easier. Really thinking about turning this into an autox/track car. Bought a pretty nice suspension setup and they make an adapter for a 4 piston RX7 kit that is pretty cheap.
  12. I really like having a truck in the fleet, but as an only vehicle they get boring for a car guy. If space isn't an issue you may want to consider an older truck + fun car. Driving my F250 was a blast even when the CTS-V was an option just because they are such different rides.
  13. Couldn't you get the same power with less boost and colder air theoretically? IE safer power?
  14. Also, the motor out of the 4.6 X5 has 350hp so I have my eye out for one of those. Believe it or not its the cheapest way to get another 50hp out of the M62. That and a baby wet shot should make for some fun.
  15. Much thanks. I don't mind bastardizing a car, but people will actually pay as much for a M60/M62 E30 as they will an LS E30. And the kind of person that wants to drop teens on an E30 prefer the M62 since an LS person would rather spend that kind of money on something else. I just want this thing to be done and drive the wheels off of it. I lucked out on some really rare rims and just picked up a ~$1000 suspension setup for $150. The more I think about it I don't care about resale and just want to enjoy it.
  16. Yeah, I knew I wasn't building the fastest thing on the planet, but 300hp/300tq light weight and a 4.10 rear end... Should be fun especially for my investment.
  17. You hit 2/3 on the head. More complicated and less powerful are true. If this was an LS swap I would be 10k in the hole right now. Because I bought a full running 540i and there is big money in parting them out I am currently break even/up a little on the project. This car is a test to see if I can tackle an S62 or N54 swap next.
  18. Only option other than boosterless. E34 V8 equipped cars have the same setup and I modified one to fit the E30.
  19. Booster is mounted and functional through the brake pedal. This is supposedly the hardest part of the swap, but I think that will be the wiring for me. Just need to finish the exhaust, wire and plumb.
  20. Circles are easy. I want a way to make non-circular shapes in tight spaces.
  21. I had to cut two small ovals recently - 1.5X5"ish. Couldn't find a good way to do it so I used an abrasive dremel bit and too much time.
  22. That's what I use too, but in looking for something that allows a little more... Control...
  23. What is your go to tool for cutting through sheet metal like that?
  24. With you on this. I don't live in a big enough city to justify a heli and never plan to. A plane would be much more useful and affordable. The maintenance and government mandated safety checks on helis are very costly comparatively.
  25. I made a decent sized bet when the line was 2-1. Before yesterday's win it was 6-1 and I almost doubled down. Kicking myself for not doing so.
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