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Everything posted by The_buster

  1. i have looked into schooling... but i have a terrible time with math. I failed the same college math twice then gave up.
  2. Also car is going to be britts so it has to be auto... she's to panicky
  3. Were on foodstamps... we get 350ish a month. We also have been using part of her student loans to scrape by. I have to stay at Autozone until the end of february, then i can job hunt. Hours at work have been cut like crazy. The issue with job hunting is finding a decent paying one that will work around britts school schedule so we don't have to worry about child care. Also being on government assistance means we have insurance, so if I get a really good paying job it would kick us off that and would need to pay enough to make up for that. Until Brittney graduates I'm stuck with shitty entry level low paying jobs.
  4. I make 8.94/hr and this week I got 16 hrs.
  5. Mahle I looked at that one, but we need a four door...
  6. yeah already looked at the beemer. she found a lancer she liked... how are dsm cars? all i hear at work are the honda boys bashing them
  7. We did some very rough estimating, mostly guessing, and think we will be getting about 4-4200 on taxes. We need a newer car as I've been posting about and the wife wants to spend around 2500-3000 on one so we have money to fix stuff with.. I'm afraid that if we dip that low in price were going to end up with two pos cars.. I think that cars in the 3-4 range are going to be better mechanically/ cosmetically, cosmetic doesn't matter to either of us as long as its good mechanically. So which would be the better option?
  8. we had to jump on heap.. old house aprx. 1920's. we pay $66 each for gas and electric. normally gas is around 500 to heat the house at 68 degrees. electric averages 150. the house needs updated there are drafts all over and if the wind is right the doors shut on there own.
  9. more buttons on the wheel than my phone.. and was the camera a little low? you could barely see the track
  10. I had a decent explanation about how its a mmorpg war game with single player campaign mode as well, but my computer lost interwebz when I changed rooms.. so I'm using my phone now...
  11. oh. i just found out about them a week ago... im so out of the loop on things.
  12. I'm sure some of you play battlefield. theres a website with a bunch of these videos, kinda like red vs blue on halo.
  13. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/486157_10151323011963419_1123045115_n.jpg
  14. The_buster


    we have some high number carbs and thats about it.
  15. yes i know its old but a friend showed me this the other day.
  16. The_buster


    oh and here http://www.jbp-pontiac.com/cars.html I just typed in worlds fastest n/a car on 93 octane in the search bar....
  17. buy a bodykit....:gabe: no in reality 100k: 50-75k on down payment for house and use the rest for brand new family car, fix my beater or get a newer beater. 200k: buy house on some decent land buy two new cars, go to school and get a drift toy.
  18. its like dodge, all the front ends have the inward sweeping look. like the new lancers
  19. http://jalopnik.com/5975293/how-can-chevy-make-the-2014-corvette-appeal-to-young-buyers?utm_campaign=socialflow_jalopnik_facebook&utm_source=jalopnik_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow saw this on facebook, I normally don't like vettes, but this one looks bad ass. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/59898_10151378885145804_1399692141_n.jpg
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