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Everything posted by Rocky31186

  1. Also looking into the DIY sportdog 100a. Seems to be under 500$. I hope that after a month or so of training and corrections they learn and don't even need the collar.
  2. Is it the kit? My flare kit has all sizes in it.
  3. I worked it for 4 years and it sucked. Only way I could sleep is with a completely dark room. Would pick 3rd over 2nd any day though
  4. It should be 3/16 brake line.
  5. Range as in a perfect circle right? Not oval shape.
  6. Only problem with those is you can not set specific boundaries. So if I wanted to keep them away from some specific area I can't. But have also thought about those
  7. They listen to me very well. Our older boxer is the type that just wants to hang out. My younger boxer is the one who likes to push it. No fence will be going up. Contacted dogwatch and got an estimate.
  8. Anyone have experience with an invisible in ground fence? Moved out of the city with a few acres and don't want to put up a fence for my 2 boxers.
  9. Where at in lancaster? We just moved south of Lancaster
  10. I used linex of Lancaster. I have heard good things about bullet liner. But no personal experience
  11. Pay for a linex or bullet liner. I did the DIY. Pulled my plastic liner out, scuffed the bed really good, applied the liner which is a pain in the ass. Did 2 coats to make sure it is protected. First time I tossed my atv ramp in the back it peeled it right off. My tundra I dropped it off, paid 500$ and have a lifetime warranty with no worries. Definitely worth the cost.
  12. It automatically comes up under your license plate that you have a CHL. No need to inform if you are not carrying.
  13. Why? And you don't have to inform of having CHL if you are not carrying. You got a warning because your were nice. Not because of a CHL.
  14. 250 deductible? It's the same exact coverage I had with state farm.
  15. We had enough with state farm. They are losing a 15 year customer. Monthly rates go up all the time of course go down when you call. New home insurance they wanted to rape us. We are switching to travelers insurance from a keystone agent. Contact Michelle Schooley at Keystone insurance in Groveport for a quote 614-295-8816 she has been great to work with. Mention my name for possibly any referrals for each other.
  16. I also moved but was wondering about this today for some reason.
  17. Google Dr says you will die in 32 hours. RIP LUAP
  18. AWD my wife's pilot is awesome in the snow. I like my 4wd also but if you don't need 4wheel drive awd is great. Also tread depth on 4wd is similar to awd. If you have 3/32 tires and put a 13/32 tire on a corner it could hurt the driveline.
  19. Not local but cheap.. found some awhile back for 5/each http://detroit.craigslist.org/mcb/for/5364500520.html
  20. For what we have been through saying A+ is an understatement. Trying to buy different properties we have dealt with a ton of different lenders. Marc got it done quick and painless. Even with the new real estate laws it was a smooth shot to the finish line. Definitely contact him if you need a lender!
  21. There was one for sale recently on Craigslist in ohio. I'll see if i can find it again, it popped up while searching for something else.
  22. Holy shit that sucks. Hope they pay for all repairs. I assume you have all info saying they shut it off? And possibly email trails of info? Or all phone calls
  23. Anytime I see an exhaust thread I think about alex.. he can definitely make that!
  24. Good luck! You'll never want to go back to flat rate. Get a comfortable back supporting chair or you will make your back issues worse.
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