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Everything posted by Rocky31186

  1. May be better to keep in storage somewhere. A car cover left on outside in rain, sand, wind can not be good for paint. Even with a good cover. IMO.
  2. 35$ for all 4 of them. Located in pickerington. I'll be free Sunday all day.
  3. Ordered the wrong Glock mag extenders. Looking to sell 4 of them, 3 are brand new and one was installed for a week. Part# PG39 I bought these off eBay for 10$/ each. How about 35$ cash? For the Glock 27 they are +2 extender. Other models are +1. http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/8BEA556F-E0F1-48A9-8FF7-10F7862B0509-1173-0000011DD932BA29_zpsee3573eb.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/A1B28BA8-7ACC-459A-AE32-C6899B5C4DD3-1173-0000011DEF21D33C_zpsb6bb4460.jpg
  4. I could do it, but I'm not a "real shop". To recommend one, Germain Toyota. Shitty place to work for, but great technicians.
  5. She is certified, and we do claim on taxes. We didn't just pick some random person to watch our son. We did full background checks and interviews with each of them. I am not a horrible parent by still using her. We have no other option right now until we find anther sitter. I think some of you are blowing it out of proportion, it wasn't right that her teen watched him, but I have met her teen and don't have an issue with her. The sitter just did not tell us about it. We have more interviews this week. I got my answer, thread can be closed before this turns into a flaming war.
  6. We have an appointment tomorrow to meet with another sitter in pickerington.
  7. Im honestly all for this. Except we have no way to stay off work until we find a sitter. I feel like were stuck until we find another one. He will be 5 months old this month --- not sure if I added that to original post. And its not a matter of "Pony up and spend real money" We interviewed many sitters, and this is the only one that we liked at the time. By stating its "Cheap" I meant cheaper than others, and had more certifications... So I am not cheaping out on my sons sitter, and you cant judge a book by its cover on who is responsible.
  8. Awhile back I posted looking for a full time sitter for my son. We picked one from reynoldsburg because she was close, cheap, and keeps her kid load small. She has 4 kids, and they are in school most of the day. We made the "contract" 7am-5pm. That way if I had to stay after work, my wife could pick him up. First issue, when I pick him up at 3:30 there are always a ton of different kids. "My kids have friends over after school" she says. 2nd issue, since we are technically paying from 7am-5pm, and we pick him up by 3:30. Sometimes I tell my wife, why dont you pick him up so I can work on something or go pick up groceries. Well the sitter flipped out stating the contract is until 3pm, and thats how it needs to stay as she has a family too. Ok, so I pull the contract out of the file and sure enough states 7am-5pm. She said "Well I just wrote down 5pm on accident, if you want to keep him here until 5pm you need to pay extra." Um- no. 3rd issue, you cant contact this lady by phone at all. I got called into work one morning for snow removal and called her many times with no answer. And today the final straw. I show up 15-20 minutes early to pick up my son, No one is home? So my wife "Emails" her because she wont answer the phone. She emails back and says she had to run to the store real quick to pick up something. Ok, so I wait. She pulls up and looks guilty as FUK. My son is not with her?? We go inside and one of her young teenager kids is watching my son?? Basically there is a "2 week notice" in the contract. What are your thoughts on getting rid of this sitter? TLDR: Oh well
  9. Seems I'm always seated next to someone my size or bigger, which means cluster fuck. I hate flying due to security and being cramped in the plane. Coming back from honey moon a couple years ago we upgraded to first class. Will probably only fly first class from there on.
  10. I'm gonna have to start building my sons soon. He's only 5 months old though. Haha.
  11. Very nice. I was almost sold on this same gun.
  12. So maybe it has more to do with break in period?
  13. I'm not starting a war or telling him his gun is a piece of shit. Just telling him my experience and friends experience along with multiple videos on YouTube. I wouldn't want to get a brand new gun, use it for conceal carry. And have it jam when needing it the most. It's a nice looking gun.
  14. It's actually a fairly common issue, it has nothing to do with "not being able to afford one" I just hope if this is a carry gun, it doesn't jam up.
  15. Should also say "in my wife's eyes"
  16. Not a sig fan at all. I have heard and read nothing but failure to feed / eject issues with them. I shot a p938 and noticed the issue first hand. Hope you dont have those issues.. Always fun to get a new gun.
  17. Sinisterss works for acura, maybe he can suggest his shop?
  18. That is a Gen4 though. Most places that are selling the Glock 27 is still gen3 for 550. Gander had the gen 3's on sale for 499. Could have added to the other gander thread?
  19. Most people with transmission issues, is caused by lack of maintenance.
  20. I happened to take a couple this week also. http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/AD9D413F-E8BD-4360-8CEB-C33F53DE836E-10289-0000084DE48CCA9F_zps81053b0f.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/3207EA75-C7E1-4F44-B442-972E503BEDB2-10289-0000084DEA627C73_zpsb3e1f0a1.jpg
  21. I agree. It's people who don't follow the rules that make us all look bad.
  22. Since September 2011. http://com.ohio.gov/liqr/docs/liqr_CCWLaw.pdf
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